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. 2023 Jan 3;11:e14501. doi: 10.7717/peerj.14501

Table 3. Maximum abundances (cells L−1), and frequencies (%) for dominant species (where dominance is defined as frequency of appearance in samples >50%) at Station 1 (ST1), Station 2 (ST2) and Station 3 (ST3).

Total number of samples (N)=103, of which N = 25 at ST1, N = 22 at ST2, and N = 56 at ST3. Blank cells are values that could not be determined because there were less than 40 cells in 1 L.

Dominant Taxa/Group Max (ST1) Fr (ST1) Max (ST2) Fr (ST2) Max (ST3) Fr (ST3)
Chaetoceros contortus 2660 63
Chaetoceros convolutus 5320 88
Chaetoceros debilis 2660 50
Chaetoceros perpusillus 380 60 380 75
Lennoxia faveolata 14200 69
Leptocylindrus mediterraneus 190 60 380 63
Nitzschia bicapitata 710 50 1420 63 4260 56
Nitzschia braarudii 190 50
Nitzschia longissima 285 60 3800 94
Nitzschia sicula 760 50
Nitzschia sp. 570 60
Nitzschia sp. 1 285 50
Proboscia alata 380 50
Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima 22420 100
Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina 1900 88
Rhizosolenia cleveii 1140 75
Thalassionema nitzschioides 1900 50
Thalassiosira sp. (<20 µm) 8520 69
Unknown diatoms (<20 µm) 1420 50 10650 63
Gymnodinium spp. 380 50
Gyrodinium spp. 710 60 190 63 1140 81
Gyrodinium spp. (<20 µm) 3550 50
Oxytoxum cf. variabile (<20 µm) 2130 50
N.D. dinoflagellates (5–10 µm) 1420 70 2130 63 19880 50
N.D. dinoflagellates (10–20 µm) 2840 100 4615 100 19880 88
Calciosolenia brasiliensis 380 63
Calciosolenia murrayi 570 50 760 88
Discosphaera tubifera 570 50 760 88
Michaelsarsia adriaticus 190 60
Ophiaster sp. 950 50
N.D. coccolithophorids (<5µm) 3550 90 7810 100 24140 88
N.D. coccolithophorids (5–10 µm) 4615 100 8520 100 29820 100
N.D. coccolithophorids (10–20 µm) 3195 100
Cryptophyceae 1065 70 1065 75 32660 100
Micromonas sp. 2840 50
Phytoflagellates 1065 80 8520 75