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. 2022 May 11;22(2):e00548. doi: 10.34172/jrhs.2022.83

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of categorical variables of glaucoma patients .

Variables Patients Blind Non-blind Median (m)
No. % No. % No. %
Female 107 33.9 65 20.6 42 13.4 12
Male 208 66.1 146 46.3 62 19.7 12
Place of residence
Rural 190 60.3 132 41.9 58 18.5 12
Urban 125 39.7 79 25 46 14.6 12
Diabetic disease
No 204 64.7 128 40.6 76 24.2 12
Yes 111 35.3 83 26.3 28 8.9 12
Intraocular Pressure
Normal 141 44.8 74 23.4 67 21.3 12
Not normal 174 55.2 137 43.5 37 11.8 12
Type of medication
Timoglue 128 40.6 88 27.9 40 12.7 12
Diamox 97 30.8 59 18.7 38 12.1 12
Timolol 90 28.6 64 20.3 26 8.3 12
Duration of treatment
Short 120 38.2 77 24.4 43 13.7 10
Medium 97 30.7 60 19.0 37 11.8 12
Long 98 31.1 74 23.5 24 7.6 24
Cup-disk ratio
 ≤ 07 118 37.5 58 18.4 60 19.1 12
 > 0.7 197 62.5 153 48.5 44 14.0 12
Stage of glaucoma
Early 36 11.4 10( 3.1 26 8.3 14
Moderate 66 21 18 5.7 48 15.3 20
Advanced 145 46. 115 36.5 30 9.5 12
Absolute 68 21.6 68 21.6 0 0.0 10

Source: Jimma University Medical Center, Ethiopia; from January 1, 2016, to August 30, 2020.