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. 2022 May 11;22(2):e00547. doi: 10.34172/jrhs.2022.82

Table 1. Descriptive summary of the characteristics of the patients with glaucoma .

Number of a pair of eyes (%)
(1, 1), n=92 (1, 0), n=69 (0, 1), n=63 (0, 0), n=313
Variables Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Age (y)
 ≤ 43 7) 1.30 12 2.23 11 2.05 79 14.71
44-69 25 4.66 24 4.47 26 4.84 114 21.23
 ≥ 70 60 11.17 33 6.15 26 4.84 120 22.35
Female 15 2.29 23 4.28 24 4.47 162 30.17
Male 77 14.34 46 8.57 39 7.26 151 28.12
Rural 18 3.35 30 5.59 24 4.47 168 31.28
Urban 74 13.78 39 7.26 39 7.26 145 27.00
No 42 7.82 45 8.38 35 6.52 107 19.93
Yes 50 9.31 24 4.47 28 5.21 206 38.36
Duration of treatment (yrs.)
 < 1 49 9.12 28 5.21 27 5.03 91 16.95
1-5 24 4.47 24 4.47 22 4.10 117 21.79
 > 5 19 3.54 17 3.17 14 2.61 105 19.55
Stage of glaucoma
Early 11 2.05 13 2.42 12 2.23 107 19.93
Moderate 33 6.15 25 4.66 24 4.47 96 17.88
Advanced 48 8.94 31 5.77 27 5.03 110 20.48
No 50 9.31 43 8.00 42 7.82 186 34.64
Yes 42 7.82 26 4.84 21 3.91 127 23.65
Family History of glaucoma
No 58 10.80 41 7.64 42 7.82 118 21.97
Yes 34 6.33 28 5.21 21 3.91 195 36.31
Type of medication
Timoglue 31 5.77 23 4.28 22 4.10 110 20.48
Diamox 40 7.45 26 8.48 24 4.47 118 21.97
Timolol 21 3.91 20 3.72 17 3.17 85 15.83

Source: Alert Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; from January 1, 2018, to December 30, 2021

(1, 1): both eyes; (1, 0): only right eye; (0, 1): only left eye; (0, 0): neither left nor right eye.