Table 1. Interviewee Recruitment .
Interviewees/Interviewee Numbers | First Contact, N |
First Responses,
No. (%) |
No. (%) |
No. (%) |
Summary of Interviewee Characteristics |
Academia/ACA01- ACA06 | 10 | 10 (100) | 0 (0) | 6 (60) | Marketing researchers with experience of public health; public health and policy researchers with experience of marketing; marketing and strategy researchers. |
Civil society/CIV07- CIV12 | 13 | 8 (62) | 0 (0) | 6 (46) | Experience in social marketing, food campaigning, researching sugary drinks taxes, consumer or policy advocacy for health. |
Industry/IND13–IND18 | 70 | 17 (24) | 2 (3) | 6 (9) | CEO of a small soft drinks company; marketers for medium-size soft drinks companies; former employee of a large soft drinks company; marketing strategists. |
Note: ‘First contact’: initial contact made by email, telephone, or LinkedIn to an organisation or individual; ‘First responses’: reply to initial contact from an organisation or individual; ‘referrals’: individuals successfully recruited into the study by snowball sampling; percentages are proportions of initial contact.