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. 2022 Dec 24;13(1):54. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13010054

Table 2.

Main characteristics of representative studies investigating novel MRI techniques for knee osteoarthritis.

Authors Country Aim/Rationale Patients MRI Sequence Main conclusion
H. Nishioka et al. [36] Kumamoto, Japan To perform qualitative evaluations of reparative tissue on articular surface of medial compartment after HCO with MRI T1ρ and T2 mapping 20 3 T scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) T1ρ-WI
T1ρ and T2 mapping revealed that the repaired tissue was fibrocartilage
Robert Stahl et al. [29] San Francisco, USA To evaluate the diagnostic value of T2 and T1ρ in identifying focal cartlage lesions in asymptomatic physically active subjects 37 3 T scanner (Signa, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI) T1ρ-WI
T1ρ and T2 imaging demonstrated a different cartilage composition in active subjects with and without focal cartilage abnormalities
Hajimu Goto et al. [38] Kobe, Japan To investigate effect of aging and weight-bearing on T1ρ values in cartilage 32 3 T scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) T1ρ-WI The degree of weight-bearing and, in particular aging, correlate with changes in cartilage T1rho values
Timothy C. Dunn et al. [21] San Francisco, USA To determine differences in T2 values in femoral and tibial cartilage in patients with varying degrees of OA 55 1.5 T scanner (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis) T2-WI T2 values of femoral and medial tibial cartilage increase with the severity of OA
M. F. Koff et al. [18] Rochester, USA To study T2 values of patellar cartilage grouped by radiographic stage of patello-femoral OA and by BMI 113 1.5 T scanner (Signa, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI) T2-WI T2 values are not sensitive to changes in radiographic stages of OA and BMI could be considered a factor for a potential increase of T2 values
Ping Zhang et al. [41] Shijiazhuang, China To study effects of long-distance running on knee cartilage with T2*-WI 12 3 T scanner (Magnetom; Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) T2*-WI An increase in T2* values of knee cartilage happened right after long distance running with a following reduction in the 2 months later
Ashley A. Williams et al. [42] California, USA To evaluate with UTE-T2* relationship between cartilage chenges, knee function, pain and gait metrics, 2 years after ACLR 60 3 T scanner (Signa, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI) UTE-T2* Patellofemoral deep cartilage matrix disruption, as assessed by MRI UTE-T2*, was associated with reduced sports and recreational function and with gait metrics reflective of altered patellofemoral loading
Taku Ukai et al. [43] Kanagawa, Japan To measure damaged areas of cartilage with ADC, T2 values and FA 41 3 T scanner (Achieva 3 Tesla, Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) ADC
T2 mapping is useful for detecting moderate or severe cartilage damage. ADC can be used to detect early stage cartilage damage, FA can also distinguish normal from damaged cartilage
S. T. Soellner et al. [48] Erlangen, Germany To compare gagCEST of knee cartilage with intraoperative results for the assessment of early OA and to define gagCEST values for the differentiation between healthy and degenerated cartilage 21 3 T scanner (Signa, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI) gagCEST gagCEST might provide a diagnostic tool for the detection of early knee-joint cartilage damage and grading
Stine Hangaard et al. [49] Copenhagen, Denmark To evaluate changes in quality of cartilage after weight loss 19 1.5 T scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) dGEMRIC Improvement of cartilage quality, assessed with dGEMRIC, after weight loss might be possible only in early stage of KOA
Guillaume Madelin et al. [46] New York, USA To evaluate the potential of sodium MRI to detect changes over time of apparent sodium concentration (ASC) in articular cartilage in patients with KOA 12 7 T scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) 23Na+-MRI Quantitative sodium MRI has the potential to detect a decrease of ASC over time in articular cartilage of patients with KOA

23Na-MRI, sodium magnetic resonance imaging; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; BMI, body mass index; dGEMRIC, delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; FA, fractional anisotropy; GAG, glycosaminoglycan; GagCEST, GAG chemical exchange saturation transfer; HCO, hemicallotasis osteotomy; KOA, knee osteoarthritis; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MTR, magnetization ratio; OA, osteoarthritis; TE, time to echo; UTE, ultrashort echo time; WI, weighted imaging.