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. 2022 Dec 31;12(1):174. doi: 10.3390/cells12010174

Table 1.

The selected developmental and endocrine/reproductive effects of TCC and TCS in animal models.

EDC Model Strain Exposure
Age at Exposure Route of Exposure Dosage End Points Source
TCC Rat Sprague Dawley 35d Embryonic, adult Oral (food) 0.2% w/w, 0.5% w/w ↓ body weight and survival in pups [323]
Rat Wistar 21d Embryonic, adult Gavage 0.3 mg/kg, 1.5 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg ↓ estradiol levels in the TCC 0.3 and TCC 3.0 groups of female pups
↓ progesterone levels ↑preimplantation loss in the TCC 3.0 in adulthood
Mouse hUGT1*28 and
2d Adult Intra-peritoneal 16 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg ↑ hUGT and CYP gene expression via the CAR [325]
Mouse CD-1 GD1-18;
Oral (water) 100 nM ↑ body weight of pups
↓ uterine weight in female offspring
↓ leptin, adiponectin and PPARα gene expression in adipose and liver tissues
Fish Zebrafish (Danio rerio) 24 h Embryonic Submersion 0.25 µM ↑ E2-induced AroB expression
↓ BPA-induced AroB expression
Fish Fathead minnow
(Pimephales promelas)
22d Adult Submersion 1.5 µg/L No changes in adult body weight. [328]
Rat Sprague Dawley GD5-PND21 Embryonic, lactational Oral (water) 0.5 mg/L ↓follicle count, proliferation and gonadosomatic index of GCs.
Delayed puberty onset.
↓ transition of the primordial follicles to more developed
↑ atresia, apoptosis, AR expression in GCs
TCS Fish Zebrafish (Danio rerio) 42d Adult TCS solution in exposure tank 0, 17, 34, or 68 µg/L ↓ expression of SOD, GPx1a, CAT, sMT-B in the ovary of 68 µg/L group
↑ oxidative damage in ovaries
↑ ROS-dependent ovary apoptosis
Rat Holtzman GD6-PD21 Gestational,
subcutaneous injection 0.1, 4, 40 and 150 mg/kg b. wt./day ↓ reproductive functions and fertility of F1 male rats
↓ testosterone, sperm count and motility
↓ AR, ERα and ERβ, SAR, aromatase expression
↑ pre- and post-implantation loss
Mouse ICR mice 50d Adult Oral 1, 10 or 100 mg/kg/day ↓ LH, FSH, progesterone serum levels
↓ GnRH mRNA expression
↓ kisspeptin immunoreactivity

Abbreviations: “↓” stands for “decreased”; “↑” stands for “increased”; TCC—Triclocarban; TCS—Triclosan; GD—gestation day; PND—postnatal day; PPARα—Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α; E2—estradiol; AroB—CYP19a1; BPA—bisphenol A; GCs—granulosa cells; AR—androgen receptor; SOD—superoxide dismutase; GPx1a—glutathione peroxidase 1a; CAT—catalase; ROS—reactive oxygen species; ERα—estrogen receptor α; ERβ—estrogen receptor β; LH—luteinizing hormone; FSH—follicle stimulating hormone; GnRH—gonadotropin-releasing hormone; PRL—prolactin; hUGT: humanized uridine 5′-diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase; CAR: constitutive active/androstane receptor.