Table 1.
The selected developmental and endocrine/reproductive effects of TCC and TCS in animal models.
EDC | Model | Strain | Exposure Duration |
Age at Exposure | Route of Exposure | Dosage | End Points | Source |
TCC | Rat | Sprague Dawley | 35d | Embryonic, adult | Oral (food) | 0.2% w/w, 0.5% w/w | ↓ body weight and survival in pups | [323] |
Rat | Wistar | 21d | Embryonic, adult | Gavage | 0.3 mg/kg, 1.5 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg | ↓ estradiol levels in the TCC 0.3 and TCC 3.0 groups of female pups ↓ progesterone levels ↑preimplantation loss in the TCC 3.0 in adulthood |
[324] | |
Mouse | hUGT1*28 and CAR-null |
2d | Adult | Intra-peritoneal | 16 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg | ↑ hUGT and CYP gene expression via the CAR | [325] | |
Mouse | CD-1 | GD1-18; PND0-10 |
Embryonic, neonate, adult |
Oral (water) | 100 nM | ↑ body weight of pups ↓ uterine weight in female offspring ↓ leptin, adiponectin and PPARα gene expression in adipose and liver tissues |
[326] | |
Fish | Zebrafish (Danio rerio) | 24 h | Embryonic | Submersion | 0.25 µM | ↑ E2-induced AroB expression ↓ BPA-induced AroB expression |
[327] | |
Fish | Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) |
22d | Adult | Submersion | 1.5 µg/L | No changes in adult body weight. | [328] | |
Rat | Sprague Dawley | GD5-PND21 | Embryonic, lactational | Oral (water) | 0.5 mg/L | ↓follicle count, proliferation and gonadosomatic index of GCs. Delayed puberty onset. ↓ transition of the primordial follicles to more developed ↑ atresia, apoptosis, AR expression in GCs |
[329] | |
TCS | Fish | Zebrafish (Danio rerio) | 42d | Adult | TCS solution in exposure tank | 0, 17, 34, or 68 µg/L | ↓ expression of SOD, GPx1a, CAT, sMT-B in the ovary of 68 µg/L group ↑ oxidative damage in ovaries ↑ ROS-dependent ovary apoptosis |
[330] |
Rat | Holtzman | GD6-PD21 | Gestational, lactational |
subcutaneous injection | 0.1, 4, 40 and 150 mg/kg b. wt./day | ↓ reproductive functions and fertility of F1 male rats ↓ testosterone, sperm count and motility ↓ AR, ERα and ERβ, SAR, aromatase expression ↑ pre- and post-implantation loss |
[331] | |
Mouse | ICR mice | 50d | Adult | Oral | 1, 10 or 100 mg/kg/day | ↓ LH, FSH, progesterone serum levels ↓ GnRH mRNA expression ↑ PRL ↓ kisspeptin immunoreactivity |
[332] |
Abbreviations: “↓” stands for “decreased”; “↑” stands for “increased”; TCC—Triclocarban; TCS—Triclosan; GD—gestation day; PND—postnatal day; PPARα—Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α; E2—estradiol; AroB—CYP19a1; BPA—bisphenol A; GCs—granulosa cells; AR—androgen receptor; SOD—superoxide dismutase; GPx1a—glutathione peroxidase 1a; CAT—catalase; ROS—reactive oxygen species; ERα—estrogen receptor α; ERβ—estrogen receptor β; LH—luteinizing hormone; FSH—follicle stimulating hormone; GnRH—gonadotropin-releasing hormone; PRL—prolactin; hUGT: humanized uridine 5′-diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase; CAR: constitutive active/androstane receptor.