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. 2001 Apr;69(4):2558–2568. doi: 10.1128/IAI.69.4.2558-2568.2001


Enhancement of in vitro growth-inhibitory activity of MAb SP8.18 by noninhibitory MAbs SP5.2, RAP1-7, and RAP1-14a

MAb or MAb combination Concn (μg/ml) % Inhibition 95% CI
SP8.18 500 39.3 34–44.2
SP8.18 + SP5.2 500 56.7 47.7–64.1
SP8.18 + RAP1-14 500 56.3 49.5–62.1
SP8.18 350 23.7 −2.9–43.4
SP8.18 + RAP1-7 350 50.9 34–63.5
SP8.18 + RAP1-14 350 49.2 31.2–62.5

MAb SP8.18 was mixed with a second MAb and added to the parasite culture. Experiments were performed in sextuplicate, and inhibition was calculated as explained in the footnotes of Table 3. CI, confidence interval.