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. 2022 Dec 29;20(1):591. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20010591

Table 4.

Cohort, case-control, experimental and observational studies included in this review.

First Author Sample Level of Noise Aim Lenght of Study Results
Abdullah 2 20–75 dB exposure to various noise for 15 min 3 repetitions in each day for 5 days noise interferes with prey perceptions of predators
Akefe 30 100 dB exposed to noise, with or not kaempferol + zinc gluconate 48 days noise interferes with oxidative stress
Amorim 16 104–140 dB re. 1 μPa impacts of boat noise exposure in the reproductive success of wild toadfish 2 weeks Noise affected reproductive success by decreasing the likelihood of receiving eggs, the number of live eggs and increasing the number of dead eggs
Baltzer not specified 120–99 dB re 1 μPa2s effects of underwater noise on marine mammals 1 day anchor pipe vibration embedment noise might induce a behavioral reaction (changes in movements)
Blanchett 98 51.5–66.6 dB associations between visitor numbers, noise levels and stress or critical behavior 12 days lack of association between visitor numbers and stress or critical behavior
Criddle 24 85–115 dB NMDA receptor blocker and sound exposure 4 h + 28 days treated animals show lower hyperactivity
Durbach Not specified approximately 3 kHz and a nominal source level of 235 dB re 1 µPa investigate the effect of sonar activity on movement behaviors 3–4 days for 3 years Faster and more directed movement during sonar exposure; animals were more likely to cease calling during exposure
Frouin-Mouy 2 94.8–110.2 dB re 1 μPa measuring the underwater source levels, behavioral vocal and non-vocal marine mammal signals 1 month noise can interfere communications between group
Gang 120 mean sound pressure level of 72 dB (A) Associations between aircraft noise and cognitive functions 2 h daily for 4 days Changes in spatial recognition memory
Grunst 34 pairs 60 dB altered parental behaviors in response to consistent freeway noise and a diverse anthropogenic noise 2 weeks no population-level changes in nestling provisioning behavior during noise but individual differences in noise sensitivity
Hastie 5 148 dB re 1 µPa measuring the relative influence of a sound (silence, pile driving, and a tidal turbine) on decision-making and foraging success in grey seals 8 days Foraging success was significantly reduced (16%–28% lower) when the speaker was located at the Low Density prey patch
Hubert 64 mean SPLs 128.3 or 119.0 dB re 1 μPa exposed seabass to different impulsive sound treatments (pulse level, elevated background level) 3 sound treatment in each day for 2 days upon sound exposure, fishes increased their swimming depth
Issad 32 80 dB Effects of light and noise pollution on body temperature and anxious behavior 3–4 weeks significant decrease in the number of line crossings and time spent in the open field test.
Koorpivaara 182 not specified dexmedetomidine for noise-associated acute anxiety and fear in dogs 3 months noise can caused hyperactivity by locus coerulus’activation
Landsberg 24 average 83.9 dB two treatment groups (DAP and placebo) in response to a thunderstorm recording a week pheromones reduce anxiety and fear by noise
Lara Not specified 130 and 150 dB re 1 μPa Shipping activity can altered fish’behavior 5 days continuous noise can increase dark avoidance in anxiety-related dark/light preference test and impaired spontaneous alternation behavior
Leduc 32 45–100 dB Noise can reduce the available cognitive processing capacity 3 weeks fish exposed to noise playbacks require additional time to reach this target and reduce exploratory behavior
Longenecker 16 116 dB relationship between tinnitus, hearing loss, hyperactivity and bursting activity post noise trauma 1 h noise increase tinnitus and hyperactivity
Manukyan 24 91 dB monitoring hdl, ldl, cholesterol, cognitive functions post noise exposure 60 days chronic noise altered behavioral activity, delay in movement and orientation, increased anxiety, deficit spatial memory
Martin 35 groups (369 individuals) 60.9–64.4 (low)/64.4–70.5 (medium)/70.5–80 dB re 20 μPa RMS SPL (high) Effect of car and boat noise on marine mammals behavior 1 month detriment of vital activities such as resting and nursing that decreased considerably (from 5.9 to 45% decrease)
Mikolajczak 40 94–104 dB effect of noise by wind turbines on the stress parameters (cortisol) 17 weeks lower activity, some disturbing changes in behavior, increased cortisol
Miller 43 1–4 kHz Effect of sonar noise on foraging 13 h whales ceased foraging completely during killer whale and sonar exposures
Mills 28/20 120–70 dB re 1 μPa2s/Hz short-longer effect motorboat-noise playback on the behavior, cortisol, androgens of anemonefish 30 min/48 h in short term, hiding aggression, androgen level increased
Mulders 24 20–120 dB monitoring hyperactivity post noise exposure 2 weeks hyperactivity in the colliculus begins at some time between 4 and 12 h post trauma
Park 27/24 41.3–57.60 dB Effects of wind turbine on frog’s behavior 2 days Call rate increased after 1 h of exposure
Pellegrini 122 groups 180 dB re: 1 lPa V−1 Effects of boat noise on foraging 9 months cooperative foraging may potentially be reducedor interrupted by the presence of boats, in response to the number, type and speed, indicating a behavioral change and acoustic masking
Pirotta 32 50–200 dB re 1 μPa2s/Hz How vessel noise influenced foraging behavior 5 days ship noise caused a significant change in whale behavior up to at least 5.2 km away from the vessel.
Senzaki 142 species (58,506 nest) Not specified Effect of light and noise on reproductive success 14 years Closed-habitat, but not open-habitat, birds also tended to experience a decline in clutch size with noise exposure
Uran 30 95–97 dB SPL Monitoring hippocampal-related behavioral alterations 15–30–45 postnatal day moderate intensity can changed hippocampus, with observed behavioral effects
Van der Knapp 49–250 123–140 dB (re 1 μPa) Effect of boat noise on behavior 6 months in presence of boat noise) fishes spent more time in behaviorsconsidered to be a response to predators
Van der knapp(b) 14 114–138 dB (re 1 μPa) Effect of wind turbine on movement behavior of free swimming 4 months cod did not increase their net movementactivity, but moved closer to the scour-bed (i.e., hard substrate), surrounding their nearest turbine,
Wang 60 60–100 dB investigate the effects of ship noise on foraging, vigilance and flight behaviors 1 month As the noise level increased, foraging behavior decreased and vigilance and flight behaviors increased, particularly above 70 dB
Wieczerzak 10/11 40 Hz Investigated neural plasticity in the auditory and prefrontal cortices in the days following noise exposure 1 month noise exposure impaired spatial learning and reference memory
Williams 13 241 dB re 1 μPa-m Investigated reactions to anthropogenic noise by this deep-diving cetacean 5 years movement from surface to depth (descent) was often more gradual for control dives than for noise exposed dives which showed shorter, more rapid ‘directed’ descents