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. 2022 Dec 29;12(1):274. doi: 10.3390/jcm12010274

Table 4.

Studies on MPLT and conventional laser.

Article Design Evaluated on Results
Vujosevic et al.,
2010 [61]
Prospective, randomized
810 nm MPLT
(125 μm/200 ms/5% DC/fixed 750 mW)
vs. 514 nm mETDRS photocoagulation
(100 μm/100 ms/80–100 mW)
62 eyes
naïve CI-DME
CRT ≥ 250 μm
FU = 12
Stable BCVA in both groups. Similarly significant decrease in CRT in both groups. Significant increase in central 12° retinal sensitivity in MPLT group and significant decrease in ETDRS group. Mean no. of treatment 2.03 ± 0.75 in MPLT vs. 2.1 ± 1 in mETDRS.
Lavinsky et al.,
2011 [62]
Prospective, randomized, double-masked
810 nm ND-MPLT vs. 810 nm HD-MPLT (125 μm/300 ms/15% DC/titrated to 1.2× CWL power)
vs. 532 nm mETDRS photocoagulation
(75 μm/50 ms/barely visible)
123 patients
naïve CS-DME
CRT ≥ 250 μm
FU = 12
Best improvement in BCVA in HD-MPLT group (logMAR 0.25); stable BCVA in ND-MPLT group. Significant progressive reduction in CRT in all groups; greatest in HD-MPLT group (154 μm). No statistical differences in BCVA and CRT in HD-MPLT and mETDRS group. No retreatment in 49% HD-MPLT, 44% mETDRS, and 2% ND-MPLT.
Venkatesh et al.,
2011 [63]
Prospective, randomized
810 nm MPLT
(125 μm/2000 ms/5% DC/titrated to 0.5× CWL power)
vs. 532 nm conventional laser
(50–100 μm/100 ms/90–180 mW)
46 eyes
CRT < 400 μm
FU = 6
Stable BCVA, macular sensitivity, and contrast sensitivity in both groups. Similarly significant decrease in CRT in both groups. More regions with functional loss in mfERG detected after conventional laser.
Inagaki et al.,
2012 [64]
Retrospective, case-series
Grid photocoagulation
810 nm MPLT (200 μm/200 ms/15% DC, titrated to 2–3× CWL power)
vs. multicolor (532, 561, or 569 nm) laser (100 μm, 100 ms, 50–100 mW)
vs. 532 nm pattern scanning laser
(100 μm, 20 ms, 120–320 mW)
30 eyes
CS-DME (n = 15)
BRVO (n = 15)
FU = 6
No damage was identified after MPLT in OCT scans; fewer changes in outer retina after pattern scanning laser than after conventional laser.
Xie et al.,
2013 [65]
Prospective, randomized
810 nm MPLT (125 μm/300 ms/5% DC, titrated to 0.5× visible MPLT power)
vs. argon ion conventional laser
99 eyes
FU = 6
Stable BCVA and significant decrease in CRT in both groups. No significant differences in BCVA and CRT between groups.
Othman et al.,
2014 [66]
810 nm MPLT
(75–125 μm/15% DC/800–1000 mW)
Primary treatment vs. secondary treatment after argon laser photocoagulation
220 eyes
CRT > 210 μm
FU = 14 ± 2.8
Stable BCVA in both groups. Significant decrease in CRT in both groups. In primary treatment, 11.37% of eyes and 33% of them in secondary treatment required intravitreal triamcinolone; 3.2% of them in primary group required vitrectomy due to poor response.
Fazel et al.,
2016 [67]
Prospective, randomized, single-blind
810 nm MPLT
(75–125 μm/0.3 ms/15% DC/1000 mJ)
vs. 810 nm focal + grid conventional laser
68 eyes
naïve CS-DME
CRT 300–450 μm
FU = 4
Significant improvement in BCVA only in MPLT group. Significant decrease in CRT in both groups; more significant in MPLT group.
Chhablani et al.,
2018 [68]
Prospective, randomized, double-masked
577 nm 5% DC vs. 577 nm 15% DC
(100 μm/100 ms/titrated to 0.3× visible MPLT power) vs. 532 nm navigated mETDRS photocoagulation.
30 eyes
naïve non-CI-DME
CRT < 350 μm
FU = 3
Stable BCVA and CRT in all groups. Significant reduction in retinal sensitivity in conventional group; similarly significant increase in 5% DC and 15% DC groups.
Bougatsou et al.,
2020 [69]
Prospective, randomized
532 nm MPLT (50–100 μm/100 ms/15% DC/titrated to 2× CWL power) vs. 532 nm focal photocoagulation
60 eyes
FU = 6
Significantly reduced CRT in both groups; significantly better in MPLT group. Significant improvement in BCVA in MLPT group.
Al-Barki et al.,
2021 [70]
short-pulse subthreshold 532 nm vs. micropulse 810 nm
116 eyes
FU = 6
Visual acuity significantly improved in MLPT group. Comparable anatomic results and need for rescue therapy in both groups.
Lois et al.,
2022 [71,72]
Prospective, randomized, double-masked
577 nm MPLT (125 μm/300 ms, 15% DC, titrated to 1× CWL power) vs. mETDRS photocoagulation
266 eyes
CRT 301–399 μm
FU = 24
No difference in BCVA, CRT, or 10-2 visual field; need for additional rescue treatment.
No. of laser treatments was higher in MPLT group (2.37 vs. 1.89).

MPLT, micropulse laser treatment; mETDRS, modified Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; CWL, continuous-wave laser; CI, center involved; DME, diabetic macular edema; BCVA, best corrected visual acuity; CRT, central retinal thickness; FU, follow-up (in months); ND, normal density; HD, high density; CS, clinically significant; mfERG, multifocal electroretinography; DC, duty cycle.