Fig. 2.
Dermoscopic images (×10 magnification): borderline tuberculoid leprosy (subtle white and decreased density of hairs and eccrine glands openings—white dots) (a); lepromatous leprosy (orange background along with subtle branching vessels and reduction of hairs) (b); lepromatous leprosy (diminished hair density with relative sparing of eccrine glands openings—white dots—and accentuation of normal reticular pigment; better seen in the box) (c); type 1 lepromatous reaction (follicular plugs with perifollicular pigmentation and sparse hairs over a diffuse erythematous background) (d); type 2 lepromatous reaction (increased erythema, vascular dilation, and brown scales) (e); and histoid leprosy (central structureless white areas along with peripheral linear branching vessels over an orange background) (f)