Ruling out the contribution of brain MZ317 neurons to olfactory perception changes
(A) Cellular characterization of the Mz317-Gal4 driver in the adult brain. Mz317-Gal4 driver expression in the brain corresponds to nonneuronal (glial) cells, as seen in the Mz317-Gal4/elav-Gal80; UAS-mcD8:GFP flies, but it also affects a limited number of nonglial (neuron) cells, as seen in the Mz317-Gal4/repo-Gal80; UAS-mcD8:GFP flies. Three neurons and their axons affect a small region close to the antennal glomeruli. Scale bar, 100 μm.
(B) The main glomeruli that responded to the 3 odorants used in optogenetic experiments are shown in color according to DOOR 2.0.43 Scheme modified from.44
(C) Detail of GFP marker expression close to the antennal lobe.
(D and E) Optogenetic activation of MZ317 glial cells, excluding neurons (in recombinant lines MZ317-Gal4, elav-Gal80; 42 in green and 24 in magenta), by channel rhodopsin recapitulates the response observed with the original Mz317-Gal4 driver to ethyl acetate (10−1.5), diminishing olfactory sensitivity (∗∗∗ = p < 0.001; ∗∗ = p < 0.01). All values represent the mean ± SEM of N = 20 for the experiment in (D), and in (E), N correspond to 10, 9, 6, 7, 8, and 7 replicate tests, respectively, for each group from left to right.