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. 2022 Dec 20;12(1):5. doi: 10.3390/plants12010005

Table 1.

Natural sources of zerumbone according to the plant species, origin, method of extraction and analysis. RP-HPLC-PDA: reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, GC-MS: gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, FID: flame-ionization detector, HPLC: high performance liquid chromatography, FTIR: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UHPLC: ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, HRESI: high-resolution electrospray ionization mass, EI-MS: electron ionized-mass spectroscopy, 1H-NMR: (nuclear magnetic resonance) and 13C-NMR.

Origin Method of Extraction Analysis Yield Main Components Activity Ref.
Zingiber zerumbet Rhizome India Methanol extraction RP-HPLC-PDA Zerumbone (33.02 mg/g) Antioxidant [42]
Rhizomes India GC/FID-
Zerumbone (70.60%)
α-Humulene (5.65%)
Humulene epoxide I (5.21%)
Humulene epoxide II (5.71%)
Camphor (1.90%)
Camphene (3.47%)
Caryophyllene oxide (2.52%)
Antioxidant [41]
Rhizomes India Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC- GC/MS 0.45% Zerumbone (74.82%)
Humulene (6.02%)
β-Copaen-4α-ol (4.32%)
Antifungal [40]
Rhizomes Brazil Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS 5% Zerumbone (87.93%) Antibacterial [3]
Rhizomes Malaysia Hydrodistillation 0.25% Anti-inflammatory [62]
Rhizomes Indonesia Water distillation GC/MS 0.12% Sabinene (32.96%)
β-Myrcene (13.27%)
Zerumbone (11.05%)
Increase body weight [63]
Rhizomes Malaysia Hydrodistillation
Turbo Extractor Distillator
HPLC 0.35% Zerumbone (126.54 mg/mL) Antibacterial [39]
Rhizomes Reunion Island Steam distillation GC-GC/MS-
0.3–0.4% Zerumbone (36%)
α-Humulene (14.4%)
Camphene (13.8%)
Caryophyllene oxide (5.2%)
Camphor (3.8%)
1,8-Cineole (3.2%)
Rhizomes Malaysia Ethanol extraction HPLC Zerumbone (242.73 mg/g) Immunosuppressant [8]
Rhizomes Malaysia Microwave UHPLC Zerumbone (4.82 mg/g DM) Antiproliferative [48]
Rhizomes India Methanol extraction RP-HPLC Zerumbone (15.598–30.143 mg/g) Antioxidant [42]
Fresh rhizomes China Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS–
Zerumbone (40.2%)
α-Caryophyllene (8.6%)
Humulene epoxide II (7.3%)
Camphene (5.9%)
Insecticidal, repellent [10]
Fresh rhizomes China Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC-FID/MS 0.65% Zerumbone (75.0%)
α-Humulene (6.5%)
Humulene oxide I (3.8%)
Camphene (3.3%)
Humulene oxide II (2.7%)
Camphor (1.3%)
Caryophyllene oxide (1.3%)
1,8-Cineole (1.2%)
Antibacterial, cytotoxic [6]
Fresh rhizomes India Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS 1.12% Zerumbone (49.3%)
α-Caryophyllene (20.1%)
Z-Caryophyllene (3.8%)
Antifungal, antimycotoxin [64]
Fresh rhizomes Malaysia Hydrodistillation GC-FID/MS 0.25% Zerumbone (36.12%)
Humulene (10.03%)
Humulene oxide I (4.08%)
Humulene oxide II (2.14%)
Caryophyllene oxide II (1.66%)
Caryophyllene oxide I (1.43%)
Antinociceptive [65]
Fresh rhizomes Vietnam Steam distillation HPLC 0.1% Zerumbone (98%) Weak in vitro vasodilator [66]
Fresh rhizomes India GC/MS 0.75% Zerumbone (32.79%)
Camphene (19.41%)
Eucalyptol (6.80%)
Dried rhizomes China Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC-FID/MS 0.39% Zerumbone (41.9%)
α-Humulene (29.4%)
Humulene oxide I (6.0%)
Humulene oxide II (3.9%)
Camphene (3.9%)
β-Caryophyllene (2.5%)
Camphor (2.4%)
Caryophyllene oxide (2.1%)
1,8-Cineole (1.2%)
Antimicrobial, cytotoxic [6]
Dried rhizomes Malaysia Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC-GC/MS 0.37% Zerumbone (58.44%)
α-Humulene (12.24%)
Camphene (5.36%)
Immunosuppressant [8]
Air-dry rhizomes Vietnam Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS 0.65% Zerumbone (51.3%)
Humulene epoxide I (6.4%)
Humulene epoxide II (5.5%)
α-Humulene (5.4%)
Camphene (4.1%)
1,8-Cineole (3.2%)
Insecticidal, antifungal [67]
Powdered rhizomes India Acetone extraction HPLC Zerumbone (99.94%) Anticancer [68]
Dried powdered rhizomes India Acetone extraction
GC/MS 2.86% Zerumbone (64.58%)
Diacetone alcohol (10.64%)
α-Humulene (8.93%)
Caryophyllene oxide (5.68%)
Humulene epoxide (3.18%)
Powdered rhizomes Malaysia Ethanol extraction HRESI/MS Zerumbone (87.4 mg) Immunosuppressant [69]
Roots India Methanol extraction RP-HPLC-PDA Zerumbone
(05.562 mg/g)
Antioxidant [42]
Z. zerumbet var. darcyi Fresh rhizomes India Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC-GC/MS 0.23% Zerumbone (69.9%)
α-Humulene (12.9%)
Humulene epoxide II (2.5%)
Caryophyllene oxide (1.1%)
Camphene (1.9%)
Z. ottensii Fresh rhizome Thailand Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS 0.24% Zerumbone (24.73%)
Terpinen-4-ol (18.75%)
Sabinene (15.19%)
β-Pinene (7.95%)
Cytotoxic [59]
Fresh rhizomes Thailand Hydrodistillation GC/MS 0.21% Zerumbone (25.21%)
Sabinene (23.35%)
Terpene-4-ol (15.97%)
Apoptotic [61]
Z. montanum Dried rhizomes Bangladesh Ethanol extraction 1H-NMR/13C-NMR ZerumboneFlavonoid derivatives [58]
Z. amaricans Malaysia Hydrodistillation GC-MS Zerumbone (40.70%) [53]
Powdered dried rhizomes Indonesia Steam distillation GC-MS 1.6% Zerumbone (65.06%)
Humulene oxide (9.66%)
α-Humulene (9.41%)
Z. aromaticum Powdered dried rhizomes Indonesia Steam distillation GC-MS 2.8% Zerumbone (31.45%)
Cyclohexene (13.52%)
Isogeraniol (10.52%)
Curcuma rubescens Fresh rhizomes China Steam distillation GC/MS 4.36% Zerumbone (6.88%)
Germacrone (4.99%)
Powdered dried rhizomes China Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS Zerumbone (15.45%)
ar-Turmerone (13.80%)
Cheilocostus speciosus Rhizomes India Steam distillation GC-MS/FID 0.18 g Zerumbone (55.11%)
α-Humulene (20.55%)
Fresh rhizomes India Hydrodistillation
GC/MS 1.9 mL/kg Zerumbone (38.6%)
α-Humulene (14.5%)
Camphene (9.3%)
Insecticidal [73]
Alpinia galanga Dried crushed rhizomes Sri Lanka Hydrodistillation Clevenger GC/MS 0.56% Zerumbone (44.9%) [74]
Boesenbergia quangngaiensis Rhizomes Vietnam Hydrodistillation GC/MS 0.16% cis-β-Elemene (18.4%)
Zerumbone (11.40%)
Myrtenyl acetate (10.6%)
Antimicrobial [75]
Amomum gagnepainii Leaves Vietnam Hydrodistillation GC-MS/FID 0.20% Farnesyl acetate (18.5%)
Zerumbone (16.4%)
β-Caryophyllene (10.5%)
Cyperus rotundus Air-dried rhizomes South Korea Methanolextraction EI-MS/1H-NMR/13C-NMR Zerumbone
Insecticidal, repellent [77]