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. 2022 Dec 25;23(1):218. doi: 10.3390/s23010218

Table 8.

The identified standards relating to HIoT, BC, and IdM systems.

Standards Type Assets/Scope Considerations
NIST BC-based IdM [6] Guide BC (IdM) Overview, guidelines, and issues about the Blockchain-based identity management systems.
NIST800-30 [10] Standards General Conducting risk assessment.
NIST800-39 [11] Standards General Managing information security risks.
OWASP [12] Standards HIoT (Medical Device) Security controls include privacy impact assessment, security audit, perimeter defences, network controls, device security controls, and end-user interface controls.
TGA [12] Guide HIoT (Medical Device) The Australian medical device cybersecurity guide, which includes cybersecurity principles and threat and risk assessment processes.
ISO27005 [13] Standards General Information security risk management.
ISO27002 ISO 27002/27001 [14] Best Practice General Information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection—information security controls.
NIST800-37 [15] Guide General Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations: A System Life-Cycle Approach for Security and Privacy.
NIST 800-53 [16] Best Practice General NIST security and privacy controls.
NIST 800-53A [17] Standards General Assessing security and privacy controls in information systems and organizations.
CIS controls [23] Best Practice General A total of 18 security controls to mitigate security attacks.
PCI-DSS: Payment Card Industry Data Security [24] Standards General It includes a set of requirements, such as maintaining a secure network, customer data protection, vulnerability management, access control, network monitoring, and information security policy.
EU Network and Information Security (NIS) directive [25] Directive General Objectives to ensure security among EU countries.
ISO/IEC 29100 [26] Standards General Privacy framework provides privacy terminologies, defines the actors and their roles in processing personally identifiable information (PII), identifies and describes privacy safeguarding considerations and principles.
ISO/IEC 15408-1 [26] Standards General Evaluation criteria for IT security.
ISO 27018 [26] Standards HIoT (Cloud) International standard for protecting personal identifiable information (PII) in cloud storage.
GDPR [27] and GDPR-DPIA [28] Regulation General (Data Protection) The EU general data protection regulations that emphasize data-subject protection rights. Articles 76, 77, and 35 in GDPR mandate the conducting of a data protection impact assessment (DPIA)(i.e., privacy impact assessment (PIA)) within the security risk assessment.
PIPEDA and SHIEP [29] Regulation General (Data Protection) The Canadian Personal Information Protection Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA) and the Saudi Health Information Exchange Policies (SHIEP). They emphasize data-subject privacy.
IEEE 802.15 [29] Standards HIoT (IoT) Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) standards cover security and access control of low-range IoT devices.
ENISA [30] Report HIoT (general) Smart hospitals security and resilience for smart health service and infrastructures.
CPC [31], PIPA [32], PDPA, PA1988 and FIA [33], Regulation General (Data Protection) Chinese Classified Protection of Cybersecurity, Personal Information Protection Act of Korea, Malaysian Personal Data Protection, Australian Privacy Act 1988, and American Freedom of Information Act. They emphasize data-subject privacy.
ISO14971 [34] Standards HIoT (Medical Device) Application of risk management to medical devices.
ISO24971 [35] Standards HIoT (Medical Device) Guidance on the application of ISO 14971 risk management.
ISO80001 [36] Standards HIoT (Medical Device) Application of risk management for IT networks incorporating medical devices.
FDA Cybersecurity in Medical Device [37] Guide HIoT (Medical Device) FDA Pre- and Post-market considerations of cybersecurity in medical devices, threat modelling, and risk management.
IEC 62304 [38] Best Practice HIoT (Medical Device) Medical device software—software life-cycle processes show the security requirements.
AAMI TIR57 [39] Guide HIoT (Medical Device) Principles for medical device security and risk management. Provides guidance on methods to perform information security risk management for a medical device in the context of the safety risk management process required by ISO 14971.
IMDRF [40] Guide HIoT–Medical Device Principles and best practices for medical device cybersecurity.
MITRE rubric [41] Report HIoT (Medical Device) Rubric for applying Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) to medical devices.
EU Directive 2017/745 and 2017/746 [42] Regulation HIoT (Medical Device) The European Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR): standards of safety, security, and quality of medical devices within the EU.
ICE60601 [43] Standards HIoT (Medical Device) Assessment to guarantee the compliance to EU MDR.
NISTIR 8228 [44] Standards HIoT (IoT) Covers IoT device capabilities, security, privacy considerations, and challenges, as well as recommendations on how to mitigate security risks. Covers three main aspects: device security protection, data security protection, and individual privacy protection.
NIST SP 800-213 [45] Standards HIoT (IoT) IoT device cybersecurity guidance identifies the IoT device cybersecurity requirements.
NIST8200 [46] Standards HIoT (IoT) Interagency report on the status of international cybersecurity standardization for the Internet of Things (IoT). It covers IoT applications, including Health IoT, cybersecurity risks and threats, cybersecurity areas, and standard landscape for IoT cybersecurity.
NISTIR8259 [47] Standards HIoT (IoT) Foundational cybersecurity activities for IoT device manufacturers. Cybersecurity risks related to IoT.
NISTIR8259A [48] Standards HIoT (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) device cybersecurity capability core baseline, which is a set of device capabilities generally needed to support common cybersecurity controls that protect an organization’s devices, as well as device data, systems, and ecosystems.
ISO/IEC 27400 [49] Standards HIoT (IoT) Cybersecurity–IoT security and privacy guidelines. This guide provides guidelines on the risks, principles, and controls for the security and privacy of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.
ETSI EN 303645:European Standards [50] Standards HIoT (IoT) Cybersecurity for Consumer Internet of Things: Baseline Requirements. It shows the baseline requirements in order to protect IoT user security.
GSMA [51] Standards HIoT (IoT) IoT security guidelines show the IoT models, challenges, privacy considerations, and IoT risks assessment.
HIPAA [52] Regulations HIoT (Health Data) Privacy rules for health data and identifiable health information.
HL7 [53] Standards HIoT (Health Data) Standards to exchange health data in electronic health records.
IEC 81001-5-1 [54] Best Practice HIoT (Health Software) Guidelines on the product life cycle of health software and health IT systems safety, effectiveness, and security.
IEC 82304-1 [55] Standards HIoT (Health Software) ISO standards concerning the safety and security of health software products.
ISO/IEC 9798 part 1 and part 2 [56,57] Standards IdM Entity authentication standards and specifications for mechanisms using authenticated encryption algorithms.
ISO/IEC 29115 [58] Standards IdM Security techniques–entity authentication assurance framework.
NIST800-63-3 [59] Standards IdM Digital identity guidelines. Shows models and digital identity risk management.
EIDAS [60] Regulation IdM EU regulation on electronic identification. eIDAS (electronic identification, authentication and trust services) was legislated to ensure secure cross-border transactions within the EU.
IEEE 2410 SBP [61] Standards IdM Standard for Biometric Privacy (SBP) provides private identity assertion.
ISO/IEC 24760 part 1 and part 2 [62] Standards IdM A framework for identity management.
EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum [63,64,65,66] Report BC Several reports about BC applications and regulations in the healthcare and public services.
ESMA [67] Report BC Report titled “The Distributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Markets.” It discusses risks, benefits, and DLT issues.
ISO/TR 23455 [68] Standards BC Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies—overview of interactions between Smart Contracts in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technology systems. It covers different platforms, such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger Fabric.
NIST IR 8403 [69] Guide BC (IdM) Guidelines of access-control part of BC-IdM systems.
W3C [70] Standards BC (IdM) Decentralized Identifier (DID), Verifiable Credentials (VC), and Verifiable Presentations technical standards by W3C, which facilitate the connection between entities without a central party.
DIDAuth [71] Standards BC (IdM) Authentication framework to unsure the DID ownership.
Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) standards. [72] Standards BC (IdM) Identifiers, DID authentication, claims and credentials technical standards for decentralized identity management systems.
Ethereum DID [73] Standards BC (IdM) Ethereum decentralized digital identity technical standards.
ERC-721 [74,75] Standards BC (IdM) Ethereum non-fungible token standards.
DKMS [76] Standards BC (IdM) Decentralized cryptographic key management systems standards.
NISTIR 8301 [77] Guide BC (IdM) Guidelines of tokens in BC-IdM systems.