Table 3.
Search Term | Science Direct | WoS (All Fields) |
Scopus (Title-Abs-Key) |
Comments |
“climate change” AND coffee | 5756 | 561 | 564 | The search term is too broad. It might include the adaptation and resilience of coffee to climate change |
coffee AND ecosystem | 8794 | 757 | 883 | Too broad. It also excludes climate change and its impacts from the results. |
“climate change” AND coffee AND impact | 4961 | 274 | 237 | A good search term. A reasonable number of hits includes all the words needed to answer the research question. |
climate AND coffee AND impact | 11,830 | 360 | 282 | A good search term. A reasonable number of hits includes all the words needed to answer the research question. |
climate AND coffee AND impact AND ecosystem | 4123 | 79 | 46 | A good search term but including ecosystem in the keyword would exclude all research on climate change impacts on coffee that did not specifically address ecosystem services. |
climate AND coffee AND (temperature OR rainfall OR CO2) | 10,715 | 324 | 340 | The search term only relates climate change to coffee without considering impacts. |
climate AND coffee AND (ecosystem OR nutrition OR irrigation OR failure OR disease OR drought OR soil OR salinity OR biodiversity OR variety OR income OR poverty) | – | 580 | 576 | Too many boolean connectors. ScienceDirect did not search it. Web of Science and Scopus found a reasonable number of hits. |
climate AND (temperature OR rainfall OR CO2) AND coffee AND (crop OR tree OR production OR farm OR agrosystem) AND impact AND (ecosystem OR nutrition OR irrigation OR failure OR disease OR drought OR soil OR salinity OR biodiversity OR variety OR income OR poverty) | – | 86 | 72 | Too many boolean connectors. Science Direct was not able to perform such a search. In Web of Science and Scopus this keyword was too restrictive and retrieved a limited number of documents for a systematic review. |
coffee AND (ecosystem OR nutrition OR irrigation OR failure OR disease OR drought OR soil OR salinity OR biodiversity OR variety OR income OR poverty) | – | 12,814 | 13,975 | Too many boolean connectors. ScienceDirect was not able to perform such a search. Web of Science and Scopus retrieved too many documents, too broad for a systematic review and may include coffee trade and industry and varietal improvement without any correlation to climate change and its impacts. |