An integrated catalog of GR-LBD homodimers. The four distinct GR-LBD protein-protein interfaces associate to generate 20 topologically different homodimers. (A) A dendrogram based on a hierarchical analysis of protein-protein contacts using Jaccard's index groups the 20 unique GR-LBD assemblies into six different clusters. (B) Relationships between the different GR-LBD homodimers. For orientation, monomers highlighting the four interacting surfaces are placed at the cardinal points in this panel (top, nord; front, east; base, south; and back, west), colored-coded as in Figure 3. Monomers in 10 representative homodimers are depicted as cartoons; each monomer is colored according to the face used to associate with its partner. Dimers are placed closest to the generating monomers. An equivalent schematic representation of GR-LBD homodimerization potential is shown at the upper left corner, with the position of major interacting residues indicated.