Figure 3.
Systematic parameter optimization and integration of DeepST. (A) The ARI pirate graph of nine GNN types, each of which was evaluated on 12 DLPFC slides, respectively. Spatial domain distributions of slides 151673 and 151507 with various networks (SGCConv, ResGatedGraphConv and GCNConv) are displayed, respectively. (B) ARI boxplots of whether spatial data augmentation is used and whether integrating morphological information in DeepST are shown. (C) The ARI pirate graph of reduced dimensions of ST data in DeepST. (D) ARI boxplots comparing five methods for constructing adjacency matrices in DeepST. (E) Histograms of ARI and Silhouette Coefficients (SC) score for four slides (including 151573, 151574, 151575 and 151576) utilizing spatial algorithms, including DeepST, DeepST (without DAN), SEDR and stLearn. (F) UMAP plots of spatial integrated algorithms. They represent batches, recognition spatial domains, and ground truth labels, respectively.