otherTwoBitUrl |
For in pairwise alignment tracks (chain, PSL), used to specify location of query sequence. |
logo |
Enables the dynseq display feature on wiggle tracks. |
speciesLabels |
Allows one to specify new labels that map to sequence names in bigMaf tracks. |
hicDistanceMax |
Controls the maximum interaction distance in nucleotides for the heatmap in Hi-C tracks. |
hicDistanceMin |
Controls the minimum interaction distance in nucleotides for the heatmap in Hi-C tracks. |
barChartFacets |
Enables the facets feature in bigBarChart track description and item details pages. |
barChartStatsUrl |
Associates a table in tab-separated-values with the bigBarChart track, with one line per bar. Currently used in coordination with the barChartsFacets tag to specify metadata such as cell types or tissue of origin. |
barChartBarMinPadding |
Sets the minimum pixel width between bars for bigBarChart tracks. |
barChartBarMinWidth |
Sets the minimum pixel width of the bars in bigBarChart tracks. |
barChartStretchToItem |
Extends the barCharts to cover the entire horizontal space available in the graph. Useful for bigBarChart tracks with many bars. |
pslSequence |
Specifies display configuration options for PSL tracks that also have sequence loaded. |
showCdsAllScales |
Shows CDS for PSL tracks at all zoom levels. |
showCdsMaxZoom |
Specifies (bases/pixel) the maximum zoom-out allowed for displaying the CDS for PSL tracks. |
showDiffBasesMaxZoom |
Shows annotations highlighting base or codon differences only if current zoom level does not exceed value (bases/pixel) in PSL tracks. |