After treatment with CQ or MG132, IRF7 in nuclear extracts of WT and XAF1‐deficient BMDMs was detected by IB.
B, C
WT and XAF1‐deficient BMDMs were infected with VSV‐WT (MOI = 1) and treated with MG132 for 2 h before harvest. Whole‐cell lysates (WLs) were subjected to IP using an anti‐IRF7 antibody, and the indicated proteins were detected by IB.
HEK293T cells were cotransfected with XAF1 and distinct IRF‐expressing plasmids. IB HA was performed followed by IP with an anti‐FLAG antibody.
The interaction between XAF1 and IRF7 was assessed in WT BMDMs stimulated by VSV‐WT (MOI = 1). WLs were subjected to IP using an anti‐IRF7 or anti‐IgG antibody and then to IB and detected with anti‐XAF1 antibody.
The associations between XAF1 and various IRF7 truncation mutants were detected through IP and IB of the transfected HEK293T cells.
G, H
The associations between IRF7 and various XAF1 truncation mutants were detected through IP and IB.
qRT–PCR analysis of the indicated genes in XAF1‐deficient MEFs expressing XAF1WT and XAF1ΔZF6 and subjected to the indicated virus stimulation.
Data information: Data from the qPCR assay are presented as the fold change relative to the Actin mRNA level. The data are presented as the means ± SDs and are representative of at least three biologically independent experiments. The statistical analyses revealed variations among the experimental replicates. Two‐tailed unpaired t‐tests were performed. *P < 0.05.
Please see Appendix Fig S3 for information regarding replicates, quantification, and statistical evaluation for biochemical data in this figure.
Source data are available online for this figure.