Figure 4. Oxtr and Cyp26b1 expression in adult Mus musculus BNST.
Oxtr expression across different cell types and BNST subregions (BNSTa, BNSTac, BNSTal, BNSTam, BNSTov, BNSTp, BNSTpr) were visualized with UMAP and Dotplot (a,b,c). Male and female animals showed similar expression patterns of Oxtr (a, b). Oxtr had the highest percent and average expression in the BNSTal Cyp26b1 cluster of both sexes (c). In situ data also showed that Cyp26b1 is expressed in both the oval and anterior BNST. The expression of Cyp26b1 in the anterior region overlaps with our carbetocin microinjection sites (d). Image credit: Allen Institute. URL: