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. 2022 Oct 2;217(Suppl 7):S34–S35. doi: 10.5694/mja2.51711
Clinical activity * General practitioner Community Mental Health Service and mental health nurses Hospital Private or public outpatient psychiatrist §
Diagnosis of severe mental illness ++ ++ ++
Initiation of psychiatric medication ++ ++
Monitoring psychiatric medication + ++ ++
Adjusting psychiatric medication ++
Managing medication related side effects + + + +
Managing acute exacerbations of mental illness + + ++ ++
Managing long‐term physical health risks + +
Facilitating and tracking regular follow up + ++ +

+ = clinical activity conducted for some patients; ++ = clinical activity conducted for most patients.

Not all patients access GP services.

Many areas lack these services.


Many access barriers including cost and availability.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure