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. 2022 Sep 26;23(11):526–537. doi: 10.1111/tra.12868


LncRNAs and their effects in T2D

LncRNA LncRNA origin Experimental species Possible molecular mechanisms Ref.
β cell related
HI‐LNC25/HI‐LNC78/HI‐LNC80 Pancreatic islet tissue Human Target islet transcription factor GLIS3 17
β‐linc 1 Pancreatic islet tissue Human Affect endocrine cell differentiation 18
H19 Pancreatic islet tissue T2D mice/Rat β cells Promote β cell proliferation via let‐7/AKT 19
Adipose development related
BATE1/Blnc1 BAT Mice Promote brown and beige adipocyte differentiation 20
Blnc1 BAT Mice Promote mitochondrial biogenesis 21
LINC00473 BAT progenitor cells Human Regulate mitochondrial oxidative metabolism 22
Adi ADSCs Rats Promote adipogenesis via targeting miR‐499 23
Dio3os Fetal BAT from maternal obesity Mice Inhibit brown adipose development via maternally imprinted 24
Glucose homeostasis related
H19 Livers of db/db mice Mice Inhibit gluconeogenesis via Foxo1 25
Bhmt‐AS Livers of db/db mice Mice Promote gluconeogenesis 26
lncSHGL Livers Mice Inhibit gluconeogenesis via interacting with hnRNPA1 27
Different expressed‐144 lncRNAs C2C12 skeletal muscle cells FFA induced insulin resistant cells Associated with FAO metabolism and insulin signaling 28
Different expressed‐401 lncRNAs Skeletal muscles Rats Associated with mRNA that regulate glucose metabolism 29
H19 Skeletal muscles Rats Promote glucose metabolism via DUSP27/AMPK 30
H19 Primary satellite cells isolated from muscles Mice Promote FAO gene expressions via interacting with hnRNPA1 31
Inflammatory related
LYPLAL1‐DT Leukocytes Human umbilical vein endothelial cells Inhibit inflammation via miR‐204‐5p/SIRT1 32
Linc‐Gm4419 Renal tissue/Mesangial cells Mice/HG treated cells Promote inflammation via NLRP3 33
MALAT1 Brain tissue Human T2D with OSA Promote inflammation via miR‐224‐5p/NLRP3 34
MALAT1 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells NA Promote inflammation via miR‐1‐3p 35
SNHG5 Serum/HK2 cells Human/HG treated HK2 cells Promote inflammation via miR‐224‐5p 36
H19 Retinal epithelial cells HG treated retinal epithelial cells Inhibit inflammation via miR‐93/XBP1 37
Lnc uc.48 Serum/Macrophages Human/HG and FFA treated cells Promote inflammation via P2X7R/ERK 38
Dnm3Os BMDM Mice Promote inflammatory gene expressions via global histone modifications 39
DRAIR Monocytes Human Inhibit inflammation via epigenetic mechanisms 40
MIST Adipose macrophages Mice Inhibit inflammation via interacting with PARP‐1 41
Tcons_00077866 Pancreatic β‐TC6 cells Mice Promote inflammation via miR‐297b‐5p/SAA3 42

Abbreviations: ADSCs, adipose derived stromal cells; BAT, brown adipose tissue; BMDM, bone marrow derived macrophages; FFA, fatty acid; HG, high glucose; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; T2D, type 2 diabetes.