Figure 1.
a) Representative simultaneous photon counting and current recording for the electrochemically generated light emission of AMP‐luc (0.43×10−3 M in oxygen‐saturated 0.2 M Bu4NClO4/DMSO) at a platinum mesh electrode. The electrode potential was swept cyclically between 0.0 V and −2.0 V at a rate of 0.05 V s−1 (Figure S6). The emission peak corresponds to ≈11.3×104 photon/s. b) Bright field image (4× magnification) of the platinum electrode under ambient light, and c) electrochemiluminescence image (4× magnification) captured in a dark room ≈0.5 s after the onset of the cathodic voltage bias (−2.0 V, Video S1). Scale bars in (b, c) are 100 μm.