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. 2023 Jan 9;2023(1):CD014908. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014908.pub2

1. Characteristics of included studies.

Study Study design Country/Setting Data collection methods Intervention(s) description COVID‐19 definition Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Confounders (variables, how measured) Confounder adjustment Analysis method Outcomes of interest Total participants (n) Participants HC user (n) Participants non‐HC user (n)
Seeland 2020 Retrospetive database cohort Derived from electronic health records of multiple healthcare organizations across 17 countries Data collected from electronic health records in the TriNetX RealWorld database. Stratified by age: pre‐menopausal cohort (15 to 49 years) and post‐menopausal (> 50 years). Only pre‐menopausal cohort reported here Hormone use: estradiol and combined hormonal contraception (unclear how many people were using estradiol only).
Hormone use was identified via RxNorm codes 4083 (estradiol), 4124 (ethinyl estradiol), progestins VA:HS800, and systemic contraceptives VA:HS200 COVID‐19 patients were identified via the ICD‐10 code U07.1 or the presence of a SARS‐CoV‐2‐related RNA diagnosis Pre‐menopausal women ages 15 to 49 who were COVID positive in the last 7 months (n = 18,892) Those without gender information TriNetX analytics tools were used to assess baseline characteristics including "demographics, diagnoses, procedures, and medication"
No information on exactly which variables were collected or how they were measured Cohorts were balanced 1:1 using propensity score matching, using a nearest neighbor greedy matching algorithm with a caliper of 0.25 times the standard deviation A logistic regression analysis was performed for the combined outcome variable "death" incorporating the propensity score matching Mortality n = 18,892 n = 2078 n = 16,814
Mujumdar 2020 Retrospective database cohort Tertiary medical center in the US Chart review from tertiary medical center electronic health record from 28 March 28 to 27 April 2020 Hormonal contraception including LNG IUD, POP, CHC, injectable progestin reported in medical chart (patients not contacted to confirm contraceptive use) Patients who tested positive for SARS‐CoV‐2 Reproductive age women ages 12 to 49 who tested COVID positive Pregnancy Uncertain "Multivariable logistic regression was used to control for differences at baseline" Logistic regression Hospitalization
n = 123 COVID positive patients n = 44 n = 79
Costeira 2021 Prospective cohort study Users of the application in the UK Self‐reported data from users input to COVID Symptom Study Smartphone Application
Data obtained between 7 May 7 to 15 June 2020
exposures, outcomes, and covariates were ascertained following quality control with purpose‐built scripts Combined oral contraceptive use (self‐report) Subjects with predicted COVID‐19 probability of > 50% considered COVID positive; model incorporated age, sex, anosmia, persistent cough, severe fatigue, and skipped meals Female app users 20 to 45 years with BMI between 18 to 35 kg/m2
85% were pre‐menopausal Use of estrogen for gender transitioning Age, BMI, smoking status ‐ self‐reported Binomial generalized mixed models Binomial generalized mixed models with with a log‐odds/logit link function used for association
Age: continuous fixed effect
BMI: continuous fixed effect
Smoker: categorical fixed effect ‐ never, ex, and current
sensitivity analyses performed to match the mean and median age of cases and controls for the exposure variables in subsets of users in 5‐year age bins Hospitalization n = 295,689 n = 64,253 n = 231,436
Chima 2021 Case series 41 healthcare organizations participating in TriNetX ‐ data for 8 patients in the US Derived from TriNet X EHR Combined hormonal contraception
Case definition: pulmonary embolism: defined using any ICD‐10 root diagnostic code; medications 30 days before and after acute PE diagnosis and COVID diagnosis
COVID‐19 patients were identified via the ICD‐10code U07.1. Assumed that the day the diagnostic code was entered for billing was the day the diagnosis was made Pediatric patients < 18 years old with PE and COVID positive. PE diagnosed concurrently or within 30 days of COVID diagnosis _ Age, BMI, race, ethnicity, lab results, medications None, descriptive only Descriptive Pulmonary embolism n = 6 girls n = 1 n = 5
Hameed 2021 Case series Multicenter multinational study ‐ 10 tertiary care centers in Pakistan, Egypt, Singapore, and the US Data collected retrospectively from COVID‐19 registries and medical records "Oral contraception"
CVT case definition: "Diagnosis of CVT was confirmed by at least one of the following imaging studies according to the established criteria: magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, MR venography (MRV), computed tomography (CT), CT venography, or cerebral venography"
COVID‐19 infection, confirmed either by reverse transcriptase‐polymerase chain reaction assay of a nasopharyngeal swab or serum antibody testing for CO‐VID‐19 "Patients aged 18 years or above with recent COVID‐19 infection, confirmed either by reverse transcriptase‐polymerase chain reaction assay of a nasopharyngeal swab or serum antibody testing for CO‐VID‐19" Patients with recent trauma or those on anticoagulation "Risk factors, clinical features, laboratory findings, imaging findings, COVID‐19‐related information"; of note, OCP user also antiphospholipid antibody + None, descriptive only Descriptive: frequencies and corellations Cerebral venous thrombosis n = 7 women with CVT n = 1 patient using "oral contraceptive" n = 6

BMI: body mass index; CVT: cerebral venous thrombosis; CHC: combined hormonal contraception; HC: hormonal contraception; ICD‐10: International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision; LNG IUD: levonorgestrel intrauterine device; OCP: oral contraception pill; PE: pulmonary embolism; POP: progestogen‐only pill.