Figure 3.
Longitudinal Biomarkers 30 Days Prior to and After Myocarditis
Locally weighted scatterplot smoothing and 95% CIs of biomarker levels 30 days prior to and after diagnosis of myocarditis for (A) ALT (reference: 49 IU/L), (B) AST (reference: 34 IU/L), (C) LDH (reference: 240 IU/L), and (D) CPK (reference: 240 IU/L). Time 0 represents the time of myocarditis diagnosis. On average, increases in the levels of the nontroponin biomarkers preceded hospitalization for myocarditis, with CPK peaking the fastest prior to hospitalization. Elevations in these biomarkers may indicate the presence of myocarditis and should prompt further evaluation. Abbreviations as in Figure 2.