Table 3.
Regression results for cerebrovascular outcomes
MCAv | CVCi | PI | |
Statin | 3.88 [0.04–7.71] (0.047) |
0.04 [0.002–0.09] (0.04) |
− 0.09 [− 0.16 to − 0.03] (< 0.01) |
Age | – | – | 0.02 [0.01–0.02] (< 0.0001) |
Female | 6.83 [2.79–10.86] (< 0.01) |
0.08 [0.03–0.12] (< 0.001) |
– |
Beta-blockers | − 4.69 [− 9.44 to 0.06] (0.05) |
− 0.05 [− 0.10 to 0.005] (0.07) |
– |
LDL-C | 0.05 [− 0.01 to 0.11] (0.10) |
0.0005 [− 0.0001 to 0.011] (0.13) |
− 0.001 [− 0.002 to − 0.000002] (0.049) |
HDL-C | 0.10 [− 0.0004 to 0.21] (0.05) |
0.001 [− 0.00002 to 0.002] (0.05) |
– |
Heart rate | 0.24 [0.03–0.46] (0.03) |
0.003 [0.0004–0.01] (0.02) |
0.004 [0.0002–0.007] (0.04) |
Mean arterial pressure | – | − 0.006 [− 0.008 to − 0.004] (< 0.001) |
– |
End-tidal CO2 | 0.39 [− 0.05 to 0.84] (0.08) |
0.004 [− 0.008 to 0.009] (0.10) |
– |
Intercept | 8.60 [− 12.89 to 30.09] (0.43) |
0.63 [0.32–0.94] (< 0.001) |
− 0.37 [− 0.77 to 0.02] (0.06) |
R-squared | 0.17 | 0.29 | 0.29 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.14 | 0.27 | 0.28 |
Residual Std. error | 12.34 | 0.13 | 0.21 |
F statistic | 5.90 df = 7; 200 (< 0.001) |
10.33 df = 8; 199 (< 0.001) |
20.74 df = 4; 203 (< 0.001) |
Bold indicates significance at p < 0.05
For each variable the primary number is β-weight. A dash (−) indicates the variable dropped during the AIC model selection. 95% confidence intervals are reported in brackets. p-values are reported in parentheses
CVCi cerebrovascular conductance index, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein, MCAv, middle cerebral blood flow velocity, PI pulsatility index