Fig. 2.
Comparative anatomy and single-cell transcriptomics of SDX in P. trichocarpa, E. grandis, T. aralioides, and L. chinense. A The SDX anatomy of four woody species. P. trichocarpa, E. grandis, and L. chinense contain libriform fibers (red), vessel elements (blue), and ray parenchyma cells (pink). T. aralioides possesses tracheids (cyan) and ray parenchyma cells (pink). B–D The unsupervised K-means clustering and UMAP plots from the SDX scRNA-seq results of E. grandis (B), T. aralioides (C), and L. chinense (D), respectively. E–G The pairwise correlation analysis of the SDX scRNA-seq results between P. trichocarpa and E. grandis (E), T. aralioides (F), or L. chinense (G), respectively. The orders of cell clusters in E. grandis (e.g., Egr4-3-6-5-2-1-7-8), T. aralioides, or L. chinense are corresponding to those in Additional file 1: Fig. S3