Figure 6. Viral integration is associated with 3D-genomic restructuring in HIVE.
(A) A/B compartment proportions of NeuN- IS in HIV- and HIVE Mg. P, chi-square. (B) Bar graph, dcHiC IS compartment remodeling (HIVE compared to HIV- microglia). X-axis, Mb of genome in 100 kb bins with IS and significantly changed PC1. Y-axis, different compartment switches (HIV- to HIVE), (light blue) A-compartmentalization (DPC1 HIVE-HIV- >0, FDR<0.05), (dark blue) B-compartmentalization (DPC1 HIVE-HIV- <0, FDR<0.05). (C) Violin plot, insulation score at IS in HIV- and HIVE microglia. Wilcoxon rank sum test. (D) Hi-C contact frequency maps of HIVE (top half) and HIV- (bottom half) microglia shown for representative integration sites (gray lines) on chromosome 11. Insulation score plotted below. See also Figure S6.