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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Jan 10.
Published in final edited form as: Lancet Public Health. 2023 Jan;8(1):e47–e56. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00310-3

Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of those aged 15–49 years with a physical, sensory, or intellectual or developmental disability, or multiple disabilities, and those without a recognised disability

All (n=634 111) Physical disability only (n=54 476) Sensory disability only (n=19 227) Intellectual or developmental disability only (n=1048) Multiple disabilities (n=4050) No disability (n=555 310)
Age, years
 15–24 22 218 (3·5%) 1959 (3·6%) 880 (4·6%) 169 (16·1%)* 182 (4·5%) 19 028 (3·4%)
 25–34 494 845 (78·0%) 41 414 (76·0%) 15 051 (78·3%) 771 (73·6%)* 3134 (77·4%) 434 475 (78·2%)
 35–49 117 048 (18·5%) 11 103 (20·4%) 3296 (17·1%) 108 (10·3%)* 734 (18·1%) 101 807 (18·3%)
Multiparous 364 550 (57·5%) 31 867 (58·5%) 10 576 (55·0%) 573 (54·7%) 2317 (57·2%) 319 217 (57·5%)
Neighbourhood income quintile
 1 (lowest) 140 309 (22·1%) 11 802 (21·7%) 4295 (22·3%) 415 (39·6%)* 1067 (26·3%)* 122 730 (22·1%)
 2 127 459 (20·1%) 10 842 (19·9%) 3937 (20·5%) 219 (20·9%) 830 (20·5%) 111 631 (20·1%)
 3 129 733 (20·5%) 11 140 (20·4%) 3875 (20·2%) 179 (17·1%) 806 (19·9%) 113 733 (20·5%)
 4 131 829 (20·8%) 11 469 (21·1%) 4098 (21·3%) 116 (11·1%)* 743 (18·3%) 115 403 (20·8%)
 5 (highest) 102 657 (16·2%) 9010 (16·5%) 2956 (15·4%) 108 (10·3%)* 587 (14·5%) 89 996 (16·2%)
 Missing 2124 (0·3%) 213 (0·4%) 66 (0·3%) 11 (1·0%) 17 (0·4%) 1817 (0·3%)
Rural region of residence 29 773 (4·7%) 3299 (6·1%) 927 (4·8%) 49 (4·7%) 250 (6·2%)* 25 248 (4·5%)
Stable chronic conditions 142 979 (22·5%) 14 086 (25·9%) 4827 (25·1%) 258 (24·6%) 1238 (30·6%)* 122 570 (22·1%)
Unstable chronic conditions 80 456 (12·7%) 9073 (16·7%)* 2859 (14·9%) 177 (16·9%)* 898 (22·2%)* 67 449 (12·1%)
Mental ill health 237 819 (37·5%) 29 172 (53·6%)* 9040 (47·0%)* 804 (76·7%)* 2574 (63·6%)* 196 229 (35·3%)
Substance use disorder 26 613 (4·2%) 3963 (7·3%)* 964 (5·0%) 218 (20·8%)* 467 (11·5%)* 21 001 (3·8%)
Prenatal smoking 69 235 (10·9%) 8751 (16·1%)* 2662 (13·8%)* 354 (33·8%)* 839 (20·7%)* 56 629 (10·2%)
Pre-pregnancy overweight or obesity 250 732 (39·5%) 25 001 (45·9%)* 8371 (43·5%)* 410 (39·1%) 1896 (46·8%)* 215 054 (38·7%)
Type of prenatal care provider
 Family physician 96 606 (15·2%) 8488 (15·6%) 2984 (15·5%) 184 (17·6%) 591 (14·6%) 84 359 (15·2%)
 Obstetrician 223 894 (35·3%) 18 907 (34·7%) 6810 (35·4%) 366 (34·9%) 1408 (34·8%) 196 403 (35·4%)
 Midwife 7073 (1·1%) 604 (1·1%) 235 (1·2%) 14 (1·3%) 36 (0·9%) 6184 (1·1%)
 Shared care 260 497 (41·1%) 22 897 (42·0%) 7843 (40·8%) 436 (41·6%) 1797 (44·4%) 227 524 (41·0%)
 None 46 041 (7·3%) 3580 (6·6%) 1355 (7·0%) 48 (4·6%)* 218 (5·4%) 40 840 (7·4%)
Number of prenatal care visits
 ≤10 144 617 (22·8%) 12 256 (22·5%) 4375 (22·8%) 260 (24·8%) 867 (21·4%) 126 859 (22·8%)
 11–14 171 795 (27·1%) 14 135 (25·9%) 4975 (25·9%) 247 (23·6%) 1009 (24·9%) 151 429 (27·3%)
 ≥15 317 699 (50·1%) 28 085 (51·6%) 9877 (51·4%) 541 (51·6%) 2174 (53·7%) 277 022 (49·9%)
Prenatal class attendance 142 879 (22·5%) 12 120 (22·2%) 4719 (24·5%) 252 (24·0%) 923 (22·8%) 124 865 (22·5%)
Intention to breastfeed 565 051 (89·1%) 47 412 (87·0%)* 16 933 (88·1%) 764 (72·9%)* 3362 (83·0%)* 496 580 (89·4%)
Caesarean delivery 171 642 (27·1%) 16 189 (29·7%) 5404 (28·1%) 285 (27·2%) 1313 (32·4%)* 148 451 (26·7%)
Severe maternal morbidity 12 439 (2·0%) 1347 (2·5%) 424 (2·2%) 37 (3·5%)* 152 (3·8%)* 10 479 (1·9%)
Preterm birth before 37 weeks 37 711 (5·9%) 3848 (7·1%) 1321 (6·9%) 95 (9·1%)* 377 (9·3%)* 32 070 (5·8%)
Neonatal intensive care unit admission 73 617 (11·6%) 7622 (14·0%) 2440 (12·7%) 233 (22·2%)* 729 (18·0%)* 62 593 (11·3%)
Infant discharge to social services 2499 (0·4%) 367 (0·7%) 118 (0·6%) 91 (8·7%)* 97 (2·4%)* 1826 (0·3%)

Data are n (%).


Standardised difference >0·10, comparing people within each respective disability group to those without a disability.