Table 1.
General clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with brain metastases
PatientNo | Age at diagnosis of DTC(year)/sex | Histology | Other distant metastases | TNM classification | Time from the initial diagnosis to brain metastasis (months) | Overall survival (months) | Death due to progression |
1 | 66/female | PTC | Lung, bone | T1N1M1 | 1 | 39 | alive |
2 | 40/female | PTC | Lung | T4bN1M1 | 1 | 67 | alive |
3 | 33/female | PTC | Lung | T4aN1M1 | 21 | 17 | alive |
4 | 63/female | PTC | Lung | TxNxM1 | 12 | 11 | alive |
5 | 42/male | PTC | Soft tissue | T1N1M1 | 63 | 11 | Progression (alive) |