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. 2023 Jan 11;19:7. doi: 10.1186/s12917-022-03550-8

Table 9.

Effect of dietary BSFL full-fat meal and probiotic mixture to replace antibiotics on the microbial count (log colony-forming unit [CFU]/g faeces) in weaning pigs1,2

Item Black soldier fly larva (%) Normality Homogeneity of error variance
PC NC BSFL12 BSFL+ Pro P - value P-value SEM P - value
Lactobacillus spp. 7.45bc 5.84c 8.71ab 9.63a 0.316 0.071 0.652 0.008
Escherichia coli 6.08b 8.61a 6.92ab 5.72b 0.585 0.093 0.592 0.021
Salmonella spp. 5.58 7.23 6.51 5.97 0.476 0.095 0.564 0.239

1Abbreviations: PC basal diet with amoxicillin 0.02%, NC basal diet without addition, BSFL12 basal diet plus 12% black solder fly larva full-fat meal, BSFL + Pro basal diet plus 12% black solder fly larva full-fat meal and 0.1% multi-probiotics

2Data are shown as group mean ± standard error of mean (SEM) (n = 5 per treatment)

a-cValues within a row not sharing common lowercase superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05)