Fig. 9. Schematic summary of the role of ZNF185 in endothelial barrier function.
a ZNF185 is localized to the perinuclear region under basal conditions in endothelial cells. N-terminal region of ZNF185 interacts with actin. b C-terminal region of ZNF185 interacts with PKA, which phosphorylates ZNF185. Both phospho-ZNF185 and F-actin accumulate at the membrane region in response to forskolin and stabilize cortical actin structures. c ZNF185 knockdown activates RhoA and promotes actin stress fiber formation, causing endothelial hyperpermeability. ZNF185 is essential for cAMP/PKA-induced RhoA inhibition. d The thrombin protease divides ZNF185 into an N-terminal actin-targeting domain and a C-terminal PKA-interacting domain, which may cause RhoA activation and stress fiber formation. Schematics were created with