SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins from Y. pestis strains grown in PMH in the presence (+) or absence (−) of FeCl3 (10 μM) or Ybt. Ybt was added since previous studies showed induction of Ybt protein expression when the siderophore was added to Ybt biosynthetic mutants (2, 22). Cultures from Y. pestis KIM6+ (lanes 1 to 3), KIM6-2071 (ΔybtU2071; lanes 4 to 6), KIM6-2046.3 (Δirp2-2046.3; lanes 7 to 9), KIM6-2072 (ΔybtT2072; lanes 10 to 12), and KIM6-2070.1 (ybtS::kan2070.1; lanes 13 to 15) were incubated with 35S-labeled amino acids for 1 h. Total cellular proteins were separated on a 7.5% polyacrylamide gel and visualized by autoradiography. Arrows, iron-regulated proteins HMWP1 (240 kDa), HMWP2 (190 kDa), Psn (68 kDa), and YbtE (56 kDa) and the truncated irp2 gene product (ΔHMWP2) expressed by the Y. pestis in-frame deletion mutant KIM6-2046.3 (Δirp2-2046.3).