Facility | Approximate building age |
Approximate square feet |
Approximate number of beds |
Approximate age of original HVAC (years) |
Approximate age of HVAC update (years) |
HVAC filter rating |
SNF 1 | 50 | 30 000 | 80 | 50 | Unknown | MERV 13 |
SNF 2 | 10 | 15 000 | 15 | 10 | NA | MERV 13 |
SNF 3 | 50 | 15 000 | 40 | 15 | NA | MERV 13 |
SNF 4 | 45 | 15 000 | 35 | 45 | 15 | MERV 13 |
Note: Descriptive characteristics collected for four participating skilled nursing facilities, which were recruited in Idaho, USA.
Abbreviations: HVAC, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; MERV, minimum efficiency reporting value; NA, not applicableSNF, skilled nursing facility.