Fig. 4.
NK cell migration is CXCR4-dependent. A Testing the NcriCre efficiency in the NKp46+ cells by FACS using the RosatdTomato reporter mice (n = 3). B Analysis of the NKp46+ cell populations in the NcriCre; RosatdTomato reporter mice (n = 3). Representative dot plots at P15 are shown. C Cxcr4 mRNA levels in sorted NK cells from Control (Cxcr4fl/fl) and KO (Cxcr4Ncr1−/−) mice. RNA in each group was extracted from NK cells sorted from pooled lymph node and spleen suspensions from 3 mice. D Flow cytometry analysis of ILCs in the stroke hemisphere from Control (Cxcr4fl/fl) and KO (Cxcr4Ncr1−/−) mice at P15, NK (CD45+Lin−NKp46+NK1.1+CD49a−CD49b+), intILC1 (CD45+Lin−NKp46+NK1.1+CD49a+CD49b+), ILC1 (CD45+Lin−NKp46+NK1.1+CD49a+CD49b−), ILC2 (CD45+Lin−NKp46−NK1.1−CD127+ST2+KLRG1+) and NKp46+ ILC3 (CD45+Lin−NK1.1−NKp46+CD127+). Representative dot plots of ILCs at P15 (n = 3 mice) are shown. E Quantification of ILCs in the stroke hemisphere from WT (Cxcr4fl/fl) and KO (Cxcr4Ncr1−/−) mice at P0, P2 and P15. Data represent n = 3 mice. NK P2 **P = 0.0085, P15 ****P < 0.0001. F Analysis at P0 (n = 3 mice), 2 (n = 4 mice) of the CXCR4+ NK cells at the top and total NK cells (Lin−CD45+NKp46+NK1.1+CD49b+) at the bottom in blood of PT-treated mice showed a significant increase of CXCR4 + NK cells at P2 and P15 within the blood, while total NK cells were significantly increased only at P15