Genome-scale sgRNA delivery in a single mouse liver
(A) Lentiviral vectors for U6-driven expression of an sgRNA and hepatocyte-specific expression of a fluorescent reporter (mCherry or mTurq2).
(B) Images of endogenous mCherry and mTurq2 fluorescence in livers from mice 4 days after injection with an equal mixture of sgAAVS1-mCherry and sgAAVS1-mTurq2 lentiviruses. Livers were counterstained with phalloidin (green) to label actin. Scale bars, 100 μm.
(C) Percentage of mCherry-, mTurq2-, and double-positive hepatocytes in livers from mice 4 days after injection with an equal mixture of sgAAVS1-mCherry and sgAAVS1-mTurq2 lentiviruses. Error bars indicate standard deviation. n = 3 mice per dose and 200 hepatocytes per mouse.
See also Figure S1.