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. 2022 Dec 12;8(4):00060-2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00060-2022


Demographics, medical history, immune status, disease severity, clinical, radiological and functional status, and microbiology, laboratory and treatment data of the study population (n=373)

 Age, years 62 (50–71)
  >65 years 151 (40.5)
  >75 years 47 (12.6)
 Female 289 (77.5)
 BMI, kg·m−2 21.4 (19.0–24.0)
  Underweight (BMI <18.5 kg·m−2) 63 (16.9)
 Smoker or ex-smoker 163 (43.7)
Medical history
 Pneumonia 228 (61.1)
 GORD 165 (44.2)
 Rhinosinusitis 134 (35.9)
 Childhood respiratory infection 123 (33.0)
 Systemic hypertension 83 (22.3)
 Asthma 62 (16.6)
 Osteoporosis 57 (15.3)
 Neoplastic disease 48 (12.9)
 Otitis 39 (10.5)
 Nasal polyps 38 (10.2)
 Depression 36 (9.7)
 COPD 30 (8.0)
 Primary ciliary dyskinesia 28 (7.5)
 Anxiety 25 (6.7)
 Tuberculosis 19 (5.1)
 Atrial fibrillation 16 (4.3)
 Diabetes 15 (4.0)
 History of connective tissue disease 11 (3.0)
 Pulmonary hypertension 10 (2.7)
 Pertussis 7 (1.9)
 Chronic renal failure 7 (1.9)
 History of inflammatory bowel disease 5 (1.3)
 Rheumatoid arthritis 5 (1.3)
 Aspiration 3 (0.8)
 Active neoplastic disease 3 (0.8)
 Congenital airway abnormality 2 (0.5)
 Foreign body inhalation or obstruction 1 (0.3)
 Liver cirrhosis 1 (0.3)
 Haemodialysis 1 (0.3)
Immune status
 Any immunodeficiency 71 (18.8)
 Primary immunodeficiencies 57 (15.3)
 Secondary immunodeficiencies 14 (3.8)
 HIV 1 (0.3)
 IgG deficiency 11 (3.0)
 IgA deficiency 9 (2.4)
 IgG subclass deficiency 44 (11.9)
 IgM deficiency 18 (4.9)
 DiGeorge syndrome 0 (0.0)
 CVID 4 (1.1)
 History of immunodeficiency 119 (31.9)
 B-lymphocyte deficiency 44 (11.8)
 T-lymphocyte deficiency 28 (7.5)
 Natural killer cell deficiency 13 (3.5)
Disease severity
 BSI score 6 (4–9)
 BSI risk class
  Mild 115 (30.8)
  Moderate 136 (36.5)
  Severe 112 (30)
 BACI score 0 (0–3)
 FACED score 2 (1–3)
 FACED risk class
  Mild 231 (61.9)
  Moderate 112 (30)
  Severe 29 (7.8)
Radiological status
 Reiff score 4 (3–6)
 Involved lobes, n 4 (2–5)
 Cavitation 17 (4.6)
 Bronchiectasis in middle lobe 306 (82.0)
 Bronchiectasis in lingula 260 (69.7)
 Bronchiectasis in middle lobe and lingula 243 (65.1)
Clinical status
 Sputum volume, mL 10 (5–25)
 Daily sputum 278 (74.5)
 Sputum colour
  Mucous 51 (20.4)
  Mucous–purulent 114 (45.6)
  Purulent 85 (34.0)
 mMRC grade
  0 200 (53.6)
  1 116 (31.1)
  2 24 (6.4)
  3 17 (4.6)
  4 15 (4.0)
 Exacerbations in previous year, n 1 (1–3)
  ≥3 exacerbations in previous year 111 (30.0)
 ≥1 hospitalisations in previous year 49 (13.2)
Functional status
 FEV1, % pred 82.5±24.0
 Chronic infection with ≥1 pathogens 131 (35.1)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 80 (21.4)
Haemophilus influenzae 21 (5.6)
Staphylococcus aureus 32 (8.6)
  MRSA 5 (1.3)
  MSSA 27 (7.2)
Streptococcus pneumoniae 3 (0.8)
Stenotrophomonas 6 (1.6)
Achromobacter 5 (1.3)
 Other chronic infection 10 (2.6)
Aspergillus fumigatus 2 (0.5)
 Atypical mycobacteria 97 (26)
 Other bacteria 70 (18.8)
Laboratory data
 C-reactive protein, mg·L−1 0.35 (0.12–0.94)
Long-term treatment
 Macrolide 44 (11.8)
 Inhaled antibiotics treatment 31 (8.3)
 Receiving ICS at NTM isolation 123 (33.0)

Data are presented as median (interquartile range), n (%) or mean±sd. BMI: body mass index; GORD: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; CVID: common variable immunodeficiency; BSI: Bronchiectasis Severity Index; BACI: Bronchiectasis Aetiology Comorbidity Index; FACED: forced expiratory volume in 1 s, age, chronic colonisation, extension and dyspnoea; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; MRSA: methicillin-resistant S. aureus; MSSA: methicillin-susceptible S. aureus; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; NTM: nontuberculous mycobacteria.