Phylogenetic trees constructed based on the RdRp protein sequences of representative viruses in the family Partitiviridae (A), Tombusviridae (B), Solemoviridae (C), and ISAV3 (D). All the viruses obtained in ticks here were highlighted in red, and the closest referenced viruses were also highlighted in bold font. Abbreviations: JPLV1, Jilin partiti-like virus 1; NPLV1, Norway partiti-like virus 1; FTLV, Fangzheng tombus-like virus; ISAV3, Ixodes scapularis associated virus 3; ISAV4, Ixodes scapularis associated virus 4; XTAV2, Xinjiang tick associated virus 2; ADTV, American dog tick associated virus 2. The accession numbers of the viral sequences are shown in S2 and S3 Tables.