Fig. 2.
DTI scalars in HD and 7-year-old control male sheep (HD n = 7, normal n = 10) and 9-year-old female sheep (HD n = 8, normal n = 7) and 10-year-old female sheep (HD n = 17, normal n = 10). A) DTI scalars were calculated in regions of interest (ROIs; colored on MRI images) located in rostral and caudal internal capsule, motor cortex, parietal, and occipital cortex. B) HD males and females showed trends towards a reduction in the directionality of water diffusion in white matter along the axon (FA) as compared to control sheep. HD males and females showed significant increase or trends toward increased water diffusion in (C) all directions of white matter (ADC) and (D) throughout the white matter boundaries perpendicular to the axon (RD) as compared to control sheep (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001). M and F in the title of X axis represent male and female sheep respectively.