Fig. 4.
Correlation of DTI scalars with mHTT levels in CSF and neurological scores. A) mHTT levels in CSF of HD females (n = 5) sampled at 9 and 10 years of age nearly correlates with directionality of water diffusion (FA), overall diffusivity (ADC), and diffusion through the white matter boundaries (RD) of occipital cortex. Occipital cortex-FA showed significant correlation with clinical rating score in B) males (n = 7) and females (n = 25) combined and C) 10-year-old females. D–F) DTI scalars (ADC, RD, AD) calculated in corpus callosum of 10-year-old females (n = 17) showed significant correlation with gait scores. M and F in the legends represent male and female sheep respectively.