Group averages and standard errors for seven variables most parsimoniously explained patterns of group differences determined in the jackknifed linear discriminant analysis. (A) The S1 P50 and Gamma S2 Early separated BDNP from other groups. (B) The ERP N100 and Low Early response showed a patterned of general psychopathology severity. (C) The ERP Pre-S2 and Low Pre-S2 separated SZ from BDP/BDNP/HC. (D) The P200 variable separated psychosis groups from BDNP and HC. HC, Healthy Subjects; BDNP, Probands with bipolar disorder I without any history of psychotic symptoms; BDP, Probands with bipolar disorder I with a history of psychotic symptoms; SAD, Probands with schizoaffective disorder; SZ, Probands with schizophrenia.