Paired Stimuli Neural Response association with current clinical syndromes.Canonical correlation analysis variates based on all probands (N with complete data = 568). Regression line, group means and standard deviations are shown. Fisher’s Z test did not find a difference in response between groups 4A) The first variate shows an association between early sensory response (N100/Low Early response) and pre-stimulus neural activity before S2 (S1 N100/Pre-S2/ Early S2 response) and current PANSS Positive symptoms and Social Functioning. 4B) The second variate shows an association between the P50 neural response and N100 response and current PANSS Genera/Negative, MADRS and Young Mania symptoms. Pearson Correlations between the neural variate and ERP components and the clinical variate and are shown. BDNP, Probands with bipolar disorder I without any history of psychotic symptoms; BDP, Probands with bipolar disorder I with a history of psychotic symptoms; SAD, Probands with schizoaffective disorder; SZ, Probands with schizophrenia.