Table 1.
Study, Country, and Objectives | Sample (completed), Mean Age; Female % | Study Duration (M) (Intervention+ Follow-ups) | Delivery mode | Intervention providers | Measurements (n) | Results | Control group |
Frosch et al. (2011), U S[34] To assess participants’ improvement in self-care behaviours, level of HbA1C, lipid and BP levels at 6 months | 201 (201); 55.5; 48.5 | 6 | TEL | Nurse educators | (3), A1c, lipid and blood pressure | Decline in HbA1c at 6 months in both groups (P < 001), | Educational brochure |
Glasgow et al. (2006), U S[35] To assess the impact of a computer-assisted intervention on T2DM self-management | 335 (299); 61.5; 50.2 | 2 | FTF,TEL,ERPM/EA | Health educators | (7) FVSS, Daily fat intake, HbA1c, Cholesterol, PHQ, DDS, BMI | There was a decline in HbA1c favouring intervention group, but these differences did not reach significance | Computer-enhanced, Usual care |
Kim et al., (2015), U S[36] To assess effectiveness of a community-based, culturally tailored, program in T2DM patients | 250 (209); 58.7; 43 | 12 | TEL, GER | Nurses and community health workers | (8) HbA1c, Triglyceride, Cholesterol, Blood pressure, diabetes-related quality of life, self-efficacy, adherence to diabetes management regimen, and health literacy | The difference between the two groups was statistically significant favouring the intervention group (reductions in HbA1c: 1 .0–1.3% compared to the control group with reductions of 0.5–0.7%) | Educational brochure |
McKay et al. (2002), U S[37] To assess the impact of using an internet-based in improving diabetes self-management | 160 (133); 59.3; 53.1 | 3 | ERPM/EA | Health coach | (6) HbA1c, Fat intake, Poor dietary practices, Depression symptoms, Psychological well-being (SF-12), Total cholesterol | There was an improvement but not statistically significant difference favouring coaching group in relation to HbA1c | Information- only reading |
Ruggiero et al. (2010), U S[38] To assess the effect of the intervention delivered by medical assistant coach on HbA1C compared with usual care group | 50 (42); 65.8; 66 | 6 | FTF,TEL | Medical assistants | HbA1c | HbA1C level decreased across the intervention group (MAC), but it was not significant between groups | Treatment as usual |
Sacco et al. (2009), U S[39] To evaluate the effects of telephone-bases coaching provided by professionals on T2DM, including diabetes adherence and control, diabetes-related complications, and diabetes distress | 62 (48); 52; 58 | 6 | TEL | University students | (9) HbA1c, Diet, Exercise, Foot care, Depression, Self-efficacy, HTS, RSC, ASC | HbA1C decreased in the coaching group (M = 7.4%; SD = 1.12), but was not statistically significant | Usual Care |
Thom et al. (2013), U S[40] To determine how clinic-based peer health coaching affects the management of uncontrolled T2DM in low-income populations | 299 (236); 55.2; 52 | 6 | FTF,TEL | Peers | (4) HbA1c, BMI, LDL, SBP | The difference was statistically significant between the two groups favouring the coaching group (HbA1C decreased by 1.07%) Whereas the reduction was 0.3% in the control group | Usual Care |
Whittemore et al. (2004), U S[41] To assess the effect nurse-coaching intervention on T2DM | 53 (49); 57.6; 100 | 6 | FTF,TEL,ERPM/EA | Nurses | (5) HbA1C, BMI, Dietary, Exercise, Distress | A difference between the two groups was documented at 3 months in HbA1C levels favouring the coaching group, but the difference was not statistically significant | Usual Care |
Willard-grace et al. (2015), U S[42] To assess impacts of health coaching in the control of T2DM, Hypertension, and Hyperlipidemia compared with usual care | 144 (132); NA; NA | 12 | FTF, TEL | Medical assistants | (4) HbA1c, HDL, LDL, SBP | Intervention group was as twice as many patients in control arm achieved the HbA1c goal (48.6% vs 27.6%, P = .01). The difference was statistically significant | Usual Care |
Wolever et al. (2010), U S[43] To evaluate the impact of integrative health coaching on various T2DM patient variables | 56 (49); 53; 77 | 6 | TEL | Psychologist and social worker | (10) HbA1c, ASK-20, MAS; PAM; ADS, BFS, ISEL-12, PSS-4, SF-12, Exercise | HbA1c was reduced in the intervention group significantly by 0.64% (from 8.9 1.78% at baseline to 8.3 1.76%; P = .030; Cohen d = .34). | Usual Care |
Chen et al., (2016), Taiwan [44] To evaluate changes in HbA1c for group provided care by pharmacist compared usual care without a pharmacist | 100 (100); 72.5;50 | 6 | FTF,TEL | Certified diabetes educator Pharmacist | (1), Change in A1c level (6 months) | HbA1c level significantly decreased (0.83%) for the intervention group with an increase of 0.43% for the usual care arm (P ≤ 0.001). | Usual Care |
Lin et al., (2021), Taiwa n[45] To explore the impact of health coaching on A1c and diet for patients with T2DM | 114(114)45;49 | 6 | FTF, TEL | Health Coach | (8) HbA1c, Daily calorie intake, Whole grains, Meats and protein, Milk and dairy products, Vegetables, Fruits, Fats and oils | Patients with type 2 diabetes who underwent a 6-month health coaching program saw a significant reduction in HbA1c by 0.62% (P < 0.01) | Usual care |
Basak Cinar & Schou (2014), Turkey [46] To assess the difference in outcomes between health coaching group compared with usual health education for T2DM | 186 (162a); NA; NA 100 | 16 M (10+ 6) | FTF, TEL | Dental professional | (3), HbA1C, CAL and TBSES | Significant differences found for HbA1C in Health coaching group, (P < 0.05) | Health education |
Sherifali et al., (2021), Canad a[47] To assess the impact of telephone health coaching on A1c for patients with T2DM | 365(365) 57;50 | 12 M (6 + 6) | TEL | Registered nurse/certified diabetes educator | (2) HbA1c, ADDQoL-19 | HbA1c was reduced in the intervention group significantly by 1.78% (P < 0.005) | Usual diabetes education |
Cho et al. (2011), Kore a[48] To assess impact of health coaching on HbA1c improvement after 3 months | 71 (64); 64.2; NA | 3 | FTF, ERPM | Physicians and nurses | (2), HbA1c, cholesterol | HbA1c level was significantly decreased for intervention group (reduced from 8.0 to 7.5%) P < 0.0. In control group HbA1c reduced from 8.0 to 7.8%, P = 0.11) | Diabetes education |
Holmen et al. (2014), Norway [49] To assess effectiveness of using phone-based self-management system used by a diabetes specialist on HbA1c, diabetes self-management, and improvement in quality of life | 151 (120); 57.0; 41 | 12 M(4+ 8) | TEL,ERPM/EA | T2DM specialist nurse | (9) HbA1c, BMI, PAEL, HAD, STA CAASMI, HSN, SIS, EWB | All groups have a reduction in HbA1c level | Usual care |
Karhula et al. (2015), Finlan d[50] To assess effectiveness of phone-based health coaching program, on improvement in HRQL and other clinical measures of T2DM and heart disease patients | 250 (217); 66.3; 44.4 | 12 | TET,ERMP/EA | Health coaches | (8), HbA1c, BP, BMI, Waist circumference, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, LDL, HDL | No statistically significant difference found in relation to HbA1c between the two groups | Usual care |
Kempf et al. (2017), German y[51] To assess effectiveness of the Telemedical Lifestyle intervention Program (TeLiPro) on HbA1c | 202(167/133);59.6;49 | 12 M(3 + 9) | TEL,ERPM/EA | Diabetes coaches | (6), HbA1c, BMI, CVD, QoL, eating behaviour, Antidiabetic medication | The difference between the two groups was statistically significant favouring the TeLiPro group in relation to HbA1c (mean ± SD - 1.1 ± 1.2%, P < 0.0001) | Usual Care |
Odnoletkova et al. (2016), Belgiu m[52] To test the effectiveness of tele-coaching intervention on HbA1c with T2DM | 574 (486); 63.1; 38.5 | 18 M (6+ 12) | TEL | Nurse educator | (9) HbA1c, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Triglycerides, Systolic blood pressure, Diastolic blood pressure, BMI, Weight | The difference in the means between the two groups was statistically significant favouring the coaching group. | Usual Care |
Varney et al. (2014), Australi a[53] To evaluate the health coaching intervention’s long-term efficacy | 94 (71); 64.1; 31.9 | 12 M (6 + 6) | TEL | Registered dietician | (13) HbA1C, Fasting glucose, cholesterol LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Triglyceride, Systolic BP, Diastolic BP, Weight, BMI, Waist circumference Physical activity, K10 depression score | Significant effects were observed between groups at 6 months in relation to HbA1C (reductions in A1C up to 0.8%)(P = 0.03) | Usual Care |
ERPM/EA electronic remote patient monitoring/electronic assistance, FTF face to face, GRP group, TEL telephone, CAL clinical attachment loss, TBSES tooth-brushing self-efficacy, FVSS Fruit and Vegetable Screener score, SF-12 Short-Form Health Survey, PHQ Patient Health Questionnaire, DDS Diabetes Distress Scale, PAEL Positive and active engagement in life, HAD Health-directed activity, STA Skill and technique acquisition, ADS Appraisal of Diabetes Scale, HDL High-density lipoprotein, CAASMI Constructive attitudes and approaches Self-monitoring and insight, ISEL-12 Interpersonal Support Evaluation List, HSN Health service navigation, SIS Social integration and support, Emotional well-being EWB, LDL Low-density lipoprotein, HTS Healthcare team support, RSC Reinforcement for self-care, ASC Awareness of self-care goals, ASK Adherence Starts with Knowledge, MAS Morisky Adherence Scale, PAM Patient Activation Measure,), BFS Benefit-Finding Scale, PSS-4 Perceived Stress Scale, ADDQoL-19 19-item Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life scale