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. 2023 Jan 11;25(2):758–784. doi: 10.1007/s10163-022-01588-2

Table 3.

Summary of research work on developing recycled composite filament

S. no. Plastic waste Filament composition Extruder type Filament diameter (mm) 3D printer TS (MPa) Purpose of using additives Findings Refs.
1. PLA V-PLA/ R-PLA Single screw Pramaan mini 37.829 Upgrading the properties of the recycled polymer Maximum TS with 10% R-PLA [68]



R-HDPE/R-PP/soy hull Biocarbon (size: 2 µm) Twin screw 1.75 Lulzbot Taz 6 38–40 Developing cost-effective composite enhances the analytical properties and develops lightweight composites Addition of biochar creates porous structure and lightweight material (spectacle frame, elliptical gears) [70]



o-HDPE/o-PP/V-HDPE/V-LDPE/clay/EPR 3-Devo 350 Composer 1.75 Creality 3-D printer 21.4 ± 0.9 Improving the compatibility among immiscible blends Addition of EPR increased elasticity of material [71]
4. Expanded PS R-PS/LDPE Single screw 1.5–1.75 Creality Ender-3 V2 25–30 Enhancing the printability and thermal stability of final material TS decreased with increase in ductility [117]




R-PET/R-PP/R-PS/SEBS-MA Twin screw 1.75 Lulzbot Taz 6 24.2 ± 1 Making a flexible filament that can easily be 3D printed Elongation at failure improved for all blends [109]
6. TPU TPU/PUF particles Felfil Evo Colours 1.5 Anycubic Chiron 10.8 ± 0.8 Making of cost-effective composite and final material to be processed at higher temperature TS decreased by 68.32% [73]



R-nylon/R-polyester/photopolymer resin (size: nylon powder 15–20 µm) Not required - Form 1+, Formlabs Inc 14 (resin–5%polyester) Enhancing the tribological properties

TS decreased by 26.31%

Wear rate improved by 9.4 times

8. PLA V-PLA/ R-PLA/MCC/J Twin screw 2.2

44 (PLA/R-PLA)

20 (PLA/R-PLA/0.5 J)

Controlling the rheological properties (like MFI) of the final material Stiffness improved by 88% [69]
9. ABS ABS/recycled Bakelite/Al2O3/SiC particles (size of SiC/Al2O3 and Bakelite particle: 20 µm) Twin screw 1.75 Accucraft i250+ 14–16 (70%ABS–10%BAK–10%Al2O3–10%SiC)

1. Enhancing the tensile strength by adding Bakelite

2. Enhancing the wear resistance properties by adding ceramic (like Al2O3 and SiC) with BAK

Uniform dispersion with 60% infill ratios and 50 mm/s printing speed [10]
10. 2° R-ABS

R-ABS/bakelite powder/wood dust (WD)

Particle size: wood dust: 50 µm; BP size was similar to that of WD

Twin-screw extruder NA

30.82 ± 1.7 (90% ABS + 10% BP)

25.66 ± 1.4 (90% ABS + 10% WD)

Providing a good thermal interlocking bonding among the polymer particles and enhancing the thermal conductivity of the final material Less porosity noticed [9]
11. PET White cotton extracted from denim Single screw 1.75 ± 0.15 Prusa i3 NA

1. Providing high specific strength and low density to the final material

2. Enhancing the dampening capacity of material

Impact strength of R-PET-WC increased by 63.87% [15]
12. Shredded flakes of HDPE HDPE/LLDPE/di-methyl-di-benzylidene sorbitol (DMDBS) Home built 1.68–1.72 Julia +  NA

1. LLDPE was added for reducing part warpage during 3D printing

2. DMDBS was added for increasing the melt stiffness of final material

Incorporating brim improved the adhesion of printed object to the substrate [118]
13. HDPE HDPE/ ZrO2 (size: 15 µm) Twin Screw 1.75 ± 0.05 Not required 17.22 ± 0.34 Reducing the coefficient of friction, resisting wear environment and improving the tensile strength of material HDPE with 40% ZrO2 shown better mechanical properties [11]
14. HDPE HDPE/SiC/Al2O3 (size of SiC/Al2O3 particle: 20 µm) Single screw NA Not required 23.87 Combination of Al2O3 and SiC as filler was chosen for reducing the cost factor and increasing the wear-resistant properties of the final material [13]
15. LDPE LDPE/SiC/Al2O3 (size of SiC/Al2O3 particle: 20 µm) Twin screw 1.75 ± 0.05 Not required 679.38 Combination of Al2O3 and SiC as filler was chosen to reduce the cost factor and increase the wear-resistant properties of the final material Addition of SiC/Al2O3 increased TS by 6.79% [12]
16. 2° R-ABS R-ABS/Gr (size: 5–10 nm) Twin Screw 2 ± 0.02 FFF printer 43.48

1. Preventing polymer from environmental degradation

2. Enhancing the rheological, thermal, magneto metric and mechanical properties of the final composite

Thermal heat capacity increased by 413% [83]
17. 2° R-ABS R-ABS/Gr (size: 5–10 nm) Twin Screw 1.75 Open-source printer 36.75 Upgrading the functionality of recycled material Porosity decreased by 4.93% [82]
18. R-plastic V-PLA/V-HDPE/recycled plastic/TiO2 nanoparticle (size: 10–50 nm) Twin screw 1.72–1.77 FFF printer 17.5

1. Graphene is used for creating a hydrophobic coating of 3D printed specimens

2. TiO2 was used for enhancing the interlaminar properties of the final product

Graphene-coated specimens showed good surface profile [75]
19. PP r-PP/rice husk (size: 250 and 425 µm) Twin screw 1.75 ± 0.05 Magigoo 3D printer

13.78 ± 0.59 (at 0° raster)

7.92 ± 0.67 (at 90° raster)

1. Making lightweight parts like customized jigs and fixture and thermoformed parts at minimal cost

2. Effectively using agricultural waste

TS reduced by 47.04% [76]
20. PP r-PP/hemp short fiber Twin screw 3 FFF printer 22.45 Reducing the shrinkage tendency of polymer matrix TS enhanced by 31.90% [77]
r-PP/harakeke short fiber 23.55 TS enhanced by 38.37%
r-PP/r-gypsum powder 24.09 TS enhanced by 7%
21. PP r-PP/basalt short fiber (size: Lavg. = 4.5 mm and davg. = 16 µm) Single screw 1.37 Not required 35.5 Improving the tensile strength and elastic modulus of recycled composite TS increased by 23.08% [78]
22. PP r-PP/short CF (size: Lavg = 200 µm and davg. = 70 µm) Single screw Ultimaker S3

22.70 (composite filament)

19.72 (3D printed composite)

1. Developing high-quality recycled feedstock filament with good mechanical strength

1. TS of filament increased by 10.99%

2. TS of 3D printed specimen decreased by 6.27%

23. R-PET Biochar (size below 100 µm) Filabot extruder 1.75 ± 0.03 Hyrel30M 51.87 (PET/0.5 wt% Biochar) 2. Improving the thermo-mechanical performance of 3D printed composite TS improved by 32% [14]
24. HDPE/LDPE R-HDPE R-LDPE/Fe powder (size: 54 µm) Single screw 1.70–1.8

8–12 (HDPE-10 wt% Fe powder)

6–7.5 (LDPE-6 wt% Fe powder)

1. Making composite conductive in nature

2. Making composite a suitable candidate for non-destructive testing (NDT)

3. Enhancing the mechanical properties of the final product

25. 2° ABS R-ABS/Fe powder (size: 50 µm) Twin screw Not required 32.72 ± 1.5 Enhancing the thermal and mechanical properties MFI increased by 25.29% [81]
26. PP R-PP/CBS (size: 250–425 µm) Twin screw 1.75 ± 0.1 3D FF-STD Doppia 15.23 ± 0.91 Enabling the effective utilization of waste obtained from consumable products TS reduced by 41.47% [85]
27. PP R-PP/Tire microparticles Twin screw Robot Yaskawa Motoman HP20F (modified) 6.0 Fabricating big green part with free and desired geometries Melting temperature of composite increased by 2.55% [84]