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. 2023 Jan 13;4(1):e12882. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12882


Modified Delphi expert panel demographic characteristics (N = 32)

n %
Age, years
25–34 1 3.1%
35–44 8 25.0%
45–54 9 28.1%
55–64 12 37.5%
65+ 2 6.3%
Female 10 31.3%
Male 20 62.5%
Prefer not to answer/missing 2 6.3%
Hispanic or Latino 1 3.1%
Not Hispanic or Latino 31 96.9%
White/Caucasian 26 81.3%
Black/African‐American 1 3.1%
Asian 1 3.1%
Multiracial or other race 4 12.5%
Highest education completed
High school/high school equivalent 0 0.0%
Associate's degree (AAS, AS, AA, etc.) 2 6.3%
Bachelor's degree (BS, BA, BPH, etc.) 6 18.8%
Master's degree (MS, MA, M.Ed, MBA, MPH, etc.) 14 43.8%
Doctoral degree (MD, DO, JD, PhD, Ed.D, DBA, etc.) 10 31.3%
Currently working as EMS educator
Yes 28 87.5%
No 4 12.5%
Type of EMS education instructed (N = 28)
Initial EMS education 5 17.9%
Continuing EMS education 3 10.7%
Both initial and continuing EMS education 18 64.3%
Other 2 7.1%
Clinician levels instructed a (N = 28)
EMR 10 35.7%
EMT 21 75.0%
Advanced EMT 13 46.4%
Paramedic 26 92.9%
Nurse 5 17.9%
Other 10 35.7%
Education setting (N = 28)
2‐year college 12 42.9%
4‐year college 6 21.4%
EMS agency 2 7.1%
Fire service 2 7.1%
Hospital 1 3.6%
Other 5 17.9%
Geographic region (N = 28)
West 8 28.6%
Midwest 8 28.6%
South 7 25.0%
East 5 17.9%
Community size (N = 28)
Rural (<25,000 people) 2 7.1%
Suburban/Urban (25,000+ people) 26 92.9%

Participants were able to select more than 1 option (percentages will not total 100%).

Abbreviations: EMR, emergency medical responder; EMT, emergency medical technician.