MAIT cells accelerate wound closure
Full-thickness wounds were performed on B6-MAITCAST mice and splinted with a silicone ring to prevent epithelial contraction.
(A) Longitudinal follow-up of wound surface (ratio wound over ring areas) for Mr1+/+ (black circle) or Mr1−/− (gray square) littermates. Blind experiment. t test.
(B) Wound surface at days 4 and 7. Pooled data from four independent experiments (n4 = 13; n7 = 9). Mann-Whitney test.
(C) Hematoxylin and eosin-saffron staining of Mr1+/+ and Mr1−/− wounds 4 days after excision and longitudinal follow-up of wound gap (distance between the epithelial tongues). Pooled data from two independent experiments analyzed blindly (n1 = 2/3; n2 = 3/4; n4 = 5). Mann-Whitney test.