5-year-old female (Case 3). Intraoperative photographs of the right (A) and left (B) eyes showing the bleb positions, with retinotomies denoted by red asterisks. C, Fundus photograph of the left eye at post-operative week 1 showing a subtle line in the nasal macula and an inferior area of subretinal whitening (arrowheads). D, Fluorescein angiography showed blockage over the subretinal whitening without evidence of leakage. Fundus photographs of the left eye at post-operative week 2 (E) and month 3 (F). G, Post-operative week 1 photo of the right eye showing an inferior area of subretinal whitening (arrowheads), a white deposit nasally (arrow), and a subtle strip in the nasal macula. At post-operative month 3 (H), the subretinal deposits in this eye are resolving. OCT of the left macula showing EZ attenuation at baseline (I), subretinal deposits nasally at post-operative week 2 (J), and resolution at month 3 (K).