Learning from sensory and memory circuits.
Maturation principles of sensory (e.g., visual, somatosensory, and auditory) and memory circuits are instructive for how environmental signals influence emotion circuit development. The building blocks and organization of emotion circuits include components of sensory and memory circuits, and of signals providing information about internal body states (hunger, fatigue, cold). Cortical and subcortical components process these inputs in emotion-related circuits (teal).
A1, auditory cortex; CN, cochlear nucleus; DG, dentate gyrus; IC, inferior colliculus; LEC, lateral entorhinal cortex; MEC, medial entorhinal cortex; NAc, nucleus accumbens; PFC, prefrontal cortex; S1/S2, somatosensory 1/2 cortex; V1/V2, visual 1/2 cortex; VTA, ventral tegmental area.