nsP1 |
methyl transferase domain, guanyl transferase domain, membrane association domains |
caps viral RNA making it usable by ribosomes, anchors the replication machinery to cellular membranes111,129–131,133–136
nsP2 |
helicase domain, ADP binding region, cysteine protease, methyl transferase like domain |
unwinds viral RNA for replication, cleaves the polyprotein into its constitutive parts, digests host cell proteins77,132,138–142,144–146,152–157
nsP3 |
macrodomain, alphavirus unique domain, hypervariable domain |
poorly described, necessary for replication, highly involved in host cell interactions129,160–168,170–172,174,175
nsP4 |
RNA dependent RNA polymerase domain |
synthesizes new viral RNA71,77,129,176–178,180–182,185