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. 2023 Jan 16;58(3):257–267. doi: 10.1007/s00535-023-01956-1

Table 1.

Summary of the 19 performance indicators

Indicator Item Numerator Denominator
S1 Rate of municipalities conducting hepatitis screening (through the Health Promotion Service) Number of municipalities conducting hepatitis screening 1) Number of municipalities 8)
S2 Hepatitis screening rate per 100,000 adults aged 40 years or older (through the Health Promotion Service, calculated separately for HBV and HCV) Number of people screened for hepatitis (through the Health Promotion Service) 2) 100,000 individuals in the total population aged 40 years or older 9)
S3 Hepatitis screening rate per 100,000 adults (through the Specific Infectious Disease Testing Service, calculated separately for HBV and HCV) Number of people screened for hepatitis (through the Specific Infectious Disease Testing Service) 3) 100,000 individuals in the total adult population 9)
S4 Liver cancer incidence (morbidity) per 100,000 population (crude and age-adjusted) Number of people with liver cancer 4) 100,000 population
S5 Liver cancer mortality per 100,000 population (crude and age-adjusted) Number of deaths from liver cancer 5) 100,000 population
S6 Usage rate of subsidies for nucleos(t)ide analog therapy for hepatitis B Number of patients receiving subsidy for nucleos(t)ide analog therapy 6) Number of patients treated for hepatitis B (hepatitis and compensated or uncompensated cirrhosis) in FY2018 according to a FY2020 study based on a national database 10)
S7 Usage rate of subsidies for DAA therapy for hepatitis C Number of patients receiving subsidies for DAA therapy 6) Number of patients treated for hepatitis C (hepatitis and compensated or uncompensated cirrhosis) in FY2018 according to a FY2020 study based on a national database 10)
FU1 Usage rate of subsidies for initial detailed examinations per 100,000 adults Number of individuals who received subsidies for initial detailed examinations 7) 100,000 individuals in the total adult population 9)
FU2 Rate of municipalities conducting follow-up Number of municipalities conducting follow-up 1) Number of municipalities 8)
FU3 Usage rate of subsidies for periodic examinations per 100,000 adults Number of individuals in each prefecture receiving subsidies for periodic examinations 100,000 individuals in the total adult population 9)
P1 Whether or not the prefecture had created a plan and numerical targets for countermeasures against hepatitis 1) N/A N/A
P2 Whether or not the prefecture’s council responsible for hepatitis countermeasures held meetings 1) N/A N/A
P3 Total number of certified hepatitis medical care coordinators (HMCCs) per 100,000 adults Total number of certified HMCCs1) 100,000 individuals in the total adult population 9)
P4 Number of newly certified HMCCs per 100,000 adults in each year Number of newly certified HMCCs a year 1) 100,000 individuals in the total adult population 9)
P5 Whether or not the local government had a system for renewing HMCC certification 1) N/A N/A
P6 HMCC staffing rate at regional core centers for the management of liver disease Number of regional core centers with at least one HMCC 1) Number of regional core centers 1)
P7 HMCC staffing rate at institutions specialized in liver diseases Number of institutions specialized in liver diseases with at least one HMCC 1) Number of institutions specialized in liver diseases
P8 HMCC staffing rate at public health centers Number of public health centers with at least one HMCC 1) Number of public health centers 1)
P9 HMCC staffing rate at municipal governments Number of municipal governments with at least one HMCC 1) Number of municipalities 8)

The data sources used to calculate indicators 1) through 10) are listed in the Supplementary Information

HBV hepatitis B virus, HCV hepatitis C virus, DAA direct-acting antivirals, HMCC hepatitis medical care coordinators, N/A not applicable