Fig. 6.
Demonstration of optical elastography in clinical settings. (a) and (b) Intraoperative tumor margin assessment with compression-OCE-based quantitative micro-elastography. T: invasive tumor, S: uninvolved stroma, A: adipose, NC: non-contact. (c) Stiffness spectra of various tissue types and (d) characteristic stiffness distribution of various breast cancer subtypes obtained from correlative compression OCE elastogram and histology section. (e) First-in-human implementation of dynamic indentation-based Rayleigh-wave OCE (left), showing examples of wave displacement fields in cornea at different frequencies (right). (f) Brillouin ocular scanner (left) assessment of biomechanical heterogeneity in mild to advance keratoconus (KC) (right). Adapted with permission from: (a) and (b) [49], (c) and (d) [18] © Optica. Adapted by permission from Springer Nature: (e) [57], (f) [110].